Chapter 12: Pretend Boyfriend

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Ada threw her heels on the ground as she fell on her bed. Today was her friend's bachelorette party and boy, was she drained.

She grabbed her phone from her bag and opened it. Her friend had sent the pictures they took to the group chat and she swiped through them, seeing the smiles on her friend's face.

What would it be like if I married Michael?

She felt her now swollen lips, thanks to her boyfriend who seemed like dropping her home wasn't his only plan. She felt her face burn, was she blushing?

She softly slapped herself while shaking her head, "Get over it. It's normal to kiss your boyfriend.

Her thoughts were cut short when her phone rang. It was from an unknown number. She placed it on her ear while letting her braids fall to her back.

"Hello?" The voice spoke. She hummed, letting the person know she was hearing. "It's been so long shorty."

"Excuse me?" Ada looked at her phone, "Who is this?"

"Your one and only best pretend boyfriend is back." There was a chuckle.

Ada felt her eyes widen in shock, she jumped to the floor and held her phone tighter, "Frank?"


"You stupid human being. Why didn't you call me? It's been two years dummy." Ada smiled.

Frank and Ada were childhood friends and they always did everything together. They were even pretend boyfriend and girlfriend for a short while. 'Pretend' because they didn't want to date anyone at that time. Frank had to travel for his academics and hasn't called since.

"I'm sorry, shorty but I'm back. Want to hang out tomorrow?"

Ada wanted to say yes but remembered she had something to do tomorrow, "Uh, I have to help Jessica shop for some new furniture for her brother."

"Cool, I'll come with." He sounded eager.

"Huh but..." The call ended before she could say more. She sighed while smiling, that's Frank for you.


Ada gazed at her phone, looking at the time. She had been waiting for Frank for thirty minutes and was debating whether to just enter the mall without him. She huffed, releasing the air she was holding. A honk from a car spooked her and she bounced. As the car window slid down, Ada smirked seeing her old friend.

Dressed in a black shirt and blue jeans, Frank stepped out of his car. His yellow-dyed hair was short but curly. He seemed taller, maybe because of his shoes. Ada watched him walk over to her with a smirk still on her face.

"If you smile at me this hard," He tapped her forehead, "your boyfriend might see me as competition." His smile was radiant, showcasing a row of his beautiful white teeth.

"Oh, how did you know?" Ada asked, turning her back to him.

"Jessica. I messaged her last night." Frank spoke as he followed Ada into the mall.

"You guys still talk? After what you did, I thought you'd be too shy to talk to her again." Ada spoke calmly but Frank could notice a small chuckle in between her words.

"Can we not talk about it? The past is the past." He shrugged while frowning, "So who's the lucky guy?"

"His name is Michael and he's cute." She smiled.

"Like I care about that. Give me the full info. Age, job, family background, any red flags?" He listed.

Ada squeezed her face, "Why? Do you plan on dating him for me?"

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Feb 14 ⏰

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