Chapter 3: Peaceful Girl x Secrets

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Hannah and Ayo walked into the apartment after seeing Jessica, Israel, and Ada off. Seeing her apartment, Hannah remembered the message from Jessica and quickly blocked Ayo's path.

"What?" Ayo asked, confused.

"Don't mess up the room again. I cleaned it last time and I won't do it again."

"I've heard. Madam Jessica will injure me if I mess up her pretty room." Ayo said with a hint of sarcasm in his tone. Shifting Hannah away, he made his way to his room.

"He'll just be acting like a child," Hannah mumbled as she watched him walk away.

She had somewhere to be today but her mother was coming over to see Ayo, so she couldn't leave. She checked the time and decided to head to the market to get some food supplies quickly. Knowing her mother, she wouldn't leave until she made food.

"I'm going to the market," Hannah shouted as she grabbed her wallet.

"Close the door, I want to sleep," Ayo shouted back.

"No. What if mummy comes when I'm gone." Hannah yelled and waited for Ayo, "Ayomide, come now."

With loud groans, Ayo walked out of the room. He sat on the couch, frowning, and got out his phone. Hannah took that as a sign to leave. She made it outside and got a bike man to take her to the market.

Meanwhile, back at home, Ayo was fast asleep on the couch. He did remember to lock the door but he forgot about the guest heading over.

Mrs. Johnson arrived at the white and blue building and made her way to her daughter's house door. She made sure she was at the right door before knocking.

Ayo, hearing the knocks, frowned before opening his tired eyes. He faced the door and doubted if he heard noises or if was it his imagination. A loud knock was heard again making Ayo realize someone was at the door.

"Ayomide, my dear, how are you? Is your head still hurting?" Mrs. Johnson's concerned voice entered in the room.

Examining his whole face, Mrs. Johnson didn't enter until she was sure there wasn't a single scar on his face.

"I'm fine ma. Good afternoon." Ayo gently removed her hands "You must be tired, take a seat."

"I would have visited soon but I wasn't around." She made her way in and took a seat "Where's Hannah? She can't come and greet her mother."

"She went to the market. She'll be back soon." Ayo said as he brought her a glass of water.

After drinking it all, she recalled the reason for her visit. "How did it even happen? Hannah won't tell me anything."

"She was probably trying to protect her friend." Ayo scoffed as he crossed his hands, "Her friend, Jessica thought I was a thief and attacked."

"Jessica? Then she must have been scared because she's such a peaceful girl." Mrs. Johnson said looking at Ayo with a worried expression, "She must have felt so bad when she found out it was a misunderstanding."

Seeing his aunty's face, he knew she was being serious, "Interesting." Ayo smiled, "I've only heard good things about her but yet I see the opposite."

"What opposite? What do you mean?"

"Nothing, I just don't think she likes me." Ayo relaxes on the couch.

"It's understandable. You kicked her out of her own house." Mrs. Johnson gave a small laugh before putting on a serious expression, "But honestly speaking, Jessica is a good girl. She has been with Hannah since University and they have been inseparable. You know how Hannah is in a new environment, very quiet and fearful, I was very worried. I thought she might fall into the wrong hands or even fail to stand up for herself if accused." Ayo listened quietly as Mrs. Johnson continued to speak looking at a picture of Hannah and Jessica on a table stool. "When I came to visit, I already had decided to take her back home with me that day... until I saw her with Jessica."

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