Chapter 10: Us?

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"I'll carry Yemi and Femi. Halimah will be able to take care of them. Tito, you can watch Bisi since she still wants to school in Lagos." Seyi spoke.

"What about mummy? If we all leave, who will take care of her?" Tito asked, truly concerned.

"I've tried to convince her to move in with me but she wants to remain here. I can't change her mind." Seyi played with the ring on his finger.

"I'll stay with Mum," Ayo spoke up.

"Are you sure? I mean... that man can be a real pain in-" Tito was interrupted.

"I can manage. If there is no one here, Mum won't take her drugs. This whole situation is already stressing her, leaving her alone with Dad will... I should stay."

"Honestly, I think we should just talk to Mum again. If she sees how serious we are, she'll definitely agree to come with one of us." Tito gestured to her and Seyi.

"It's okay. Ayomide is right. Mummy is very serious about staying here and we can't leave her alone." Seyi nodded, "But that doesn't mean you should just let her be. Don't stop convincing her to leave. Okay?"

Ayo bobbed his head, "With me here, what could go wrong."


"I'm at home. I'll come visit soon, don't worry." Ayo smiled as he pressed a button on the remote, reducing the volume.

Screams and shouts could be heard as the volume was reduced. Feeling his heart sink, Ayo's smile faded as the screams got louder, now echoing all around the house.

It's been a month since the Adeolu family found out about the second life of their father and the house has been hell for all. Ayo hung up the phone, slowly got on his feet, and walked out of his room, closing the door softly behind him.

"Tomike, stop this rubbish. I already told you, I am not changing my mind." Ayo's father's deep voice was heard as Ayo walked towards the sound of the voices.

"You must be stupid. Gbenga, what have I done to you to make you do this? Okay, okay, it's because of my parents you couldn't marry that one but other than that, what have I done?"


"No, answer me. Answer me, you stupid man." Her croaky voice grew louder, urging Ayo to reveal himself behind the door.

"Mummy. Let's go and rest." He held her but she brushed it away.

"Rest? I can't rest when this man wants to kill me before my time. Ah, Gbenga, ah." Tomike sobs, squeezing her hands together.

"What happened now?" Ayo asked, his eyes on his mother but the question was directed to the man seated in his old armchair.

"Go to the guest room." Tomike cried, slowly falling to the ground.

"No need, I'm here already." A voice entered the room. Tomike immediately stopped her cries and glared at the woman.

Ayo faced the owner and made a face, "And you are?"

"Your stepmother. Hello Ayomide, I'm Vera." She shamelessly showed off her ring in Ayo's face.


Ayo rubbed his wrist as he watched the man in a uniform hug his sister.

"Thank you for your help, officer." Tito smiled at the man, her right hand questioningly placed in her bag.

"Ah, it's no problem, my sister, but you see..." The man rubbed his bald head. Ayo rolled his eyes, familiar with the man's intention, "I know Mr. Adeolu here is not violent, but it might be hard convincing my co-workers, considering the man he attacked is lying on a hospital bed as we speak."

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