Chapter 4: House Party

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"Where's Ayo?" Jessica asked as Hannah placed the hot noodles on the dining table.

"A house party." She positioned herself on the chair "Israel's house party to be exact."

"House party?" Jessica asked, using her fork to gather the noodles.

"Ah, so he didn't invite you? Wicked guy." Ada stated while pouring orange juice into their cups.

The three ate in silence. Jessica wondered why she wasn't invited to this house party. They have been speaking for two days now, wasn't that enough to get invited to a party especially if that party was his?

"I have an idea."

Hannah and Jessica raise their heads to look at Ada, who is on her feet, packing her empty plate and cup. "Let's sneak into that party."

"Why?" Hannah asked, finishing her meal.

"If he didn't invite his girlfriend-"

"We're not dating." Jessica interrupted.

"Okay ma, anyways." Ada walked into the kitchen and plopped her plate and cup in the sink "If he didn't invite you, that means something must be going on at that party and it's common sense to find out what."

"I'm not sure about this. You can just call Israel and ask to be invited if you really want to go." Hannah spoke trying to debunk the idea.

Jessica sat in silence. Ada always had extreme ideas but this one didn't sound half bad. Finishing her meal, Jessica walked to the kitchen and dropped it in the sink. She walked back to the girls and showed a tiny smile. "Let's go."

"Yes! Are we leaving now? Wait let me quickly do my makeup." Ada jumped up in delight.

"What's the use? We're making sure no one sees us there. In and out." Jessica stated as she put her braids in a high ponytail.

"Fine. Then let's be going." Ada quickly grabbed her bag.

"This is a bad idea." Hannah sighed, following the girls to the living room.

Ada ordered an Uber and the girls sat patiently waiting for it to arrive.

"Problem. I don't remember exactly the house number, I only remember the estate." Jessica revealed.

"Then let's stay home. Cancel the Uber." Hannah got up to head to her bedroom.

"But I remember the street." Jessica added.

"If the party is lit, I think it will be easy to find." Ada smiled, dragging Hannah back to the couch.


The girls found the house where the party was taking place. Music could be heard but it wasn't deafening, if passersby were near, they could tell a party was taking place.

"Let's go girls." Ada held both their hands and led them into the house.

Walking in, Jessica was hit with memories. The house looked the same, probably just a little wider due to some furniture being removed to make guests dance freely. The girls walk in and observe their surroundings, on the right side of Jessica, men are seated with drinks in one hand and cigarettes in the other. The ladies however were in the middle of the floor, dancing like it was their last.

"Where's Ada?" Hannah asked loudly to Jessica.

Jessica shrugged her shoulders at that question. Just then Ada walked over to them with a drink in her hands.

"Guys. Leave the door na, let's dance." Ada swayed her body to the music.

"Did we come here to dance?" Hannah was clearly tense.

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