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I probably shouldn't be writing Ryder at all, but when I saw the MMA match on the television I know I had to find a way to get in touch with him. He looked so cute with his black silk hair matted to his forehead, and his muscles more in tone then they were when we were together. His body is definitely a lot more defined and toned then they were almost a year ago when I left him. Ryder was the perfect guy that everybody wanted. He would open the doors for me, drive me to school every day, and if I ever needed anything he would be there for me. He wasn't one of the guys who wanted just sex, which would come as a surprise to most because he was on the football, soccer, and lacrosse team. Somehow through all the sports he managed to make time for me. When I saw him ask that girl out after he won his match I had never been so jealous. I just couldn't live with what he did last year, and looking at him became unbearable. He should still be upset over me, and not looking for another girlfriend. I guess I expected him to still be begging for me, but he's not. I need to see Ryder though, and try to get him to forgive me for breaking his heart. Better yet I'm going to make sure his girlfriend is with him, and tell her what happened myself. I pull out my phone and call Caelix.
"Hello?" He answers.
"Hey, it's Siege. Can you give me Shaleigh's number? Please." I beg.
"Sure." He gives it to me, and we hang up. I dial Shaleigh's number, and ten seconds letter she picks up.
"Hello?" She answers.
"Hey. You and Ryder meet me at the bar downtown. Be there in twenty minutes. See you then." I say, then hang up. I'm prepared for Ryder to hate me as well, but it'll so be worth it.
"Mommy, where are you going?" My son Silas asks.
"Come on baby. We are going to meet your father." I say.
"I finally get to meet my dad?" He asks smiling.
"Yes, now come on." I say.
Ten minutes later I arrive with Silas downtown, and we walk into the bar. The place in nearly empty, and the only people in there is Silas, Ryder, Shaleigh, and I. The Packers and Seattle game is on the television right above where they sell the alcohol. I walk slowly over there and sit in front of them, with Silas trailing behind me slowly. "Hey Ryder." I say grinning.
"Siege." He says harshly.
"Shaleigh." I say.
"Nice to meet you." She replies.
"I called y'all here because I both need y'all to hear what I have to say. Especially you, Shaleigh." She shifts uncomfortably in her seat while Ryder eyes Silas like he recognizes him.
"Then speak." Shaleigh says angrily.
"Well, as you know I am Ryder's ex, and I'm sure he never told you why we broke up. Four years ago we had a son named Silas, and just two years ago he got kidnapped while in Ryder's care. I stayed with him until it became unbearable to look at him because Silas looked exactly like him. I couldn't stand the pain of looking at him anymore, so I left him, and that's about the time he gave up on finding Silas. Well, I never gave up on finding my son. All day every day I would be out riding around looking for my son while Ryder sat at home trying to build his company up. He never tried to contact me to figure out if I ever found Silas or not. He just stopped contacting me all together. Well, after months of searching I finally found him one day at a gas station with some old man. The guy admitted to kidnapping Silas, and got arrested and put in jail for life. Silas, I'd like for you to meet your father. Ryder, meet Silas."
I can see the tears forming in Ryder's eyes, but he just stares at Silas. Silas stands up, and walks over to his father and wraps his arms around him, and moments later Ryder returning the hug. Shaleigh doesn't run out like I thought she would. Instead she sits there frozen not able to move. I wanted this to be way too much for her, and wanted her to get up and run out so we could all finally be a happy family, but she sits there not speaking. Moments later she stands up, and I'm expecting her to walk out, but she walks over and kneels in front of Silas. "Hi, I'm Shaleigh. I'm your dad's girlfriend." She says, and I can see Ryder smile at the way she's interacting with Silas. Silas takes no time before his arms are wrapped around her as well.
"You're really pretty." He says to Shaleigh, and she breaks into a never ending smile.
"You're adorable. How old are you?" Shaleigh asks.
"I'm four." He replies holding up four fingers.
"It's time to go home Silas." I say trying to get out of there as fast as I can.
"Can I stay with daddy tonight please mommy?" He begs.
"I doubt your dad wants you there tonight." I say.
"Actually we would love to have him there with us. It would give us time to get to know this little guy." Shaleigh says. Part of me wants to punch her in the face for trying to be a part of our son's life.
"Fine." I say trying not to sound too mad. I kiss my son and hug him, and we part ways.

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