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It's been two months since Shaleigh and I last kissed. We haven't talked about it since. I think her boyfriend started suspecting something was going on between us because she stays the night at his house a lot. I took up an opportunity to get a girlfriend. I wouldn't say girlfriend, but I'm seeing someone. I saw Abigail in a bar one night, and I apologized to her for the things I said, and we've been seeing each other ever since. It's been a way to keep my mind off of Shaleigh. I completely forgot about the bet with Miles until he texted me the other day and told me I had two more weeks or I owe him two thousand dollars. With Shaleigh it was never about the bet. Well, it was at first, but then I got to know her. I never intended to like her. I've only ever really liked one girl before and that was Siege. Both managed to take my heart and stop on it over and over.
My phone dings and I never expected it to be who it was.
"Hey Ryder will you come pick me up? Rush and I just got in a huge argument, and I don't want to be here anymore." Shaleigh asks.
"Of course, I'm on my way! Be there in ten."
"Abigail I have to go. Shaleigh needs me to come pick her up. Her and her boyfriend just got in an argument, and she needs me." I say in a hurry.
"Okay baby I'll see you later?" She asks.
"Yes." I say.
I kiss her real quick then run outside and get in my car. I manage to arrive there in seven minutes. I knock on the door and Rush answers the door. "We've been expecting you." What the fuck is going on here? Rush grabs my arms and puts a rag over my mouth filled with chloroform. I wake up tied up to a chair. Shaleigh is tied up to another chair right in front of me still passed out. At least I hope she's passed out. "Shaleigh." I whisper.
"She's not going to hear you." Miles says.
"What the fuck are you doing Miles?" I say not trying to hide my anger.
"Well you see Ryder, you've always had it easy. Between getting girls, money, and the job I wanted. I've had to work my ass off, and everything has just been handed to you. You didn't have to work for anything. So I'm going to torture her. You seems to care the most about her, so I'm going to hurt her by hurting you. She's going to watch me kill you, then I am going to let her live with the fact she let you die. Julian, Miles, Layken, Rush, and I have been planning this for months now." He hissed.
"What does Layken and Rush have against her?" I ask pissed off.
"Well as you see there was a time during Layken and Alec's relationship where Layken cheated on him, and Layken found out she told him, and has been plotting against her ever since. As for Rush, he never had feelings for her. He was just working for Julian."
"Fuck all of you. Y'all aren't going to get away with this shit."
"Oh just watch us Ryder. You aren't so bad now are you?"
"You'll see." After my remark Miles walks out and slams the door behind him right when Shaleigh is waking up.

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