Uhtred answered for her, "In the forest, there is one right in front of Bebbanburg. It is vast enough to hold an army of two hundred. They can hide there until dark and then run for the gate when it is opened."

I nodded slowly, my hands clasping in front of me as I walked around the table, studying the pictures and markings on the map.

"Jarl, men will grow impatient for battle," Ingemar groaned, "they will arrive and want to fight immediately."

"They are not babes at their mother's tits," Saga snapped harshly, "they know how to wait and how to think."

I stopped at the top of the table, bringing their focus back to me as I set my hands down on a seat beside the table. "Have you discussed any of these plans with Bryngerd or Hoder?"

"Bryngerd is in support of my plan," Saga rushed out.

"And Hoder is in support of mine," Ingemar glared at the redhead fiercely.

I glanced past them, at Finan and Sihtric, who spoke quietly amongst each other, occasionally looking to the map. "Do you have some valuable input?"

Finan cut himself off, clearing his throat, "No, Jarl, just talking."

"They should not even be here," Ingemar groaned, "this is a war council."

"They are my men," Uhtred snapped at her, his face growing slightly red, "they have experience and—"

"They are common soldiers—"

"How dare—

"Enough!" I raised my voice slightly, pushing away from the table and taking a step back. "You are all acting like children. You are deciding the fate of warriors, good men and women, who are loyal. Do better." I turned around, making to exit the hall, "Find me when you have found a way to reach an agreement, or I will decide for you."

Footsteps scrambled behind me as I pushed open the door, and I paused at the steps of the main hall, letting Finan and Sihtric catch up to me. They were to be my new guards now that Saga had four hundred warriors under her.

"Whose side are you leaning towards?" Finan asked hurriedly, shutting the doors of the hall behind us.

I groaned softly, pausing to slip my arm through Sihtric's and walking between them instead of in front of them. "I am supposed to let my war council decide these matters because they have the experience to decide it."

"I think your war council is more concerned with comparing cock sizes," Finan snorted loudly, winking at a few passing women.

I leaned my head on Sihtric's shoulder slightly, "Saga and Ingemar both have big personalities. Saga is used to leading my men and Ingemar is used to commanding huge fleets. They are both good."

"Yes," Sihtric mumbled quietly, "but perhaps with this one particular battle, Uhtred has better input and knowledge."

I stopped, pushing off him and wrinkling my nose, "I know this already but I cannot favour anyone. Favour causes problems and Ingemar is a better ally than foe."

"Yes," Sihtric agreed softly, reaching out for my hand again, "but swaying Ingemar will save lives. Saga's plan is well thought through and gives us the best chance.

"On top of that," Finan jumped in, "we could go further and use Ingemar's ships to take the beach. Warriors could climb the cliff behind the fortress and enter from behind."

I was starting to grow frustrated; I did agree with them and I wanted the best for my warriors but openly choosing Saga would make Ingemar believe I favoured her. If I chose Ingemar, I would kill many people and Saga would be angry towards me and feel replaced. Uhtred also supported Saga which put me in a tight space, as though I was being crushed between two shield walls.

Blood Moon| The Last Kingdom| Sihtric KjartanssonWhere stories live. Discover now