"Thank you." Dean tells her.

"A folklore story from 1907 that-- that mentions that... uh, back then, he was called Black William. So it looks like some time between then and... dude, focus." Sam says, seeing Dean staring at the waitress.

"I am focused." Dean insists and Billy rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, on the waitress' ass." Billy scoffs.

"Shut up." Dean glares at him. "Yeah. Black Bill. What do you got?"

"All right, well, he lives in the woods, so he's like a local Jersey Devil. And apparently, he has the head of a goat." Sam says.

"A goat? Like... goat?" Dean asks.

"Yeah, a goat." Sam nods.

"Well, maybe that's what Daryn saw." Dean shrugs.

"Unless you think he was lying." Sam says.

"Mm, nah, I think he's a little too freaked out to be lying. So we got a, uh, goat dude with a name like a pirate, which is a little insane, even for us. And that bar is... super high." Dean says. He lowly whistles as he looks at the waitress. "So if it is real, what the hell is it?"

"I'm not sure. I mean, there's tons of human animal hybrid lore dating back all the way to ancient Egypt." Sam says.

"Right, well, why don't you figure out what the hell it is, and I'll figure out a way to kill it. Okay?" Dean says.

"All right." Sam agrees.

"Right. Don't wait up." Dean says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"I already figured out a way to kill it." Dean says.

"How did you-- you don't even know what it is." Sam says.

"The Colt. Dusts anything." Dean says.

"Except for five things." Ophelia adds.

"Work smarter, Sammy, not harder." Dean says, going over to the counter to talk to the waitress.

"Oh, don't do the hot coffee thing." Sam mumbles.

"Hot coffee thing?" Daphne asks.

"Boy, this coffee is hot." Dean says.

"Ooh." Daphne winces. "God, does that actually get him laid?"

"Unfortunately." Sam heavily sighs.

Sam shakes his head, rolling his eyes at his brother. He looks over at Libby, doing a double take when he sees her plate empty.

"You-- you ate all of your food." He notices.

"Yeah. Isn't that the point of food?" She asks.

"You-- you finished. And it didn't even take you that long." Sam says, glancing at his watch.

"Can we, like... not make a whole celebration about it?" Libby asks.

"Go, Bee." Evie fist pumps the air. Libby gives her a look. "Sorry." She sincerely apologizes.

"I-- ye-yeah. Yeah, no, su-sure. Uh..." Sam can't help but to smile.

"Dad." Libby gives him a pointed look.

"Yeah. Yeah, sorry." He clears his throat. "I just-- I'm proud of you." He smiles.

Libby smiles a little, trying not too show much reaction.

"Thanks." She says.

Sam kisses her on the head and smooths some of her hair down, the proud smile not leaving his face.

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