008. valentine's day

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Larissa and Sam are sitting in the kitchen, Sam on his laptop and Larissa leaning against him. Jacob is making breakfast for the kids, all who occupying themselves with getting ready.

"Morning." Sam greets. Dean grumbles, going to the fridge and opening it. Sam looks at his brother, eyebrows furrowing when he looks at his neck. Dean takes a bite of some Chinese takeout.

"Is that a hickey?" Sam asks as Dean spits the food out.

"And? It was Valentine's Day." Dean says. He goes to grab a piece of bacon, but Jacob slaps his hand. "Ow!"

"25 and under." Jacob states.

"I can't help it if I'm a hopeless romantic." Dean says, going to the coffee pot.

"You got half of that right." Sam says.

"Yeah, the hopeless part." Larissa clarifies.

"Just doing my civic duty. Helping all the single ladies." Dean says.

"You know, the best thing about February 14th? You don't have to be Mr. Right. Just Mr. Right Now." Dean sits across from his brother.

"That's classy." Sam comments with a sarcastic smile.

"Yeah, and what'd you do, judgy? Curl up in your snuggie, watch 50 Shades on cable?" Dean asks.

"Yeah." Sam nods. "No." He shakes his head.

"See, he has a successful Valentine's Day every year because he knows how to actually treat a woman. And it's not like a sex toy." Larissa states.

"Yeah, whatever." Dean mumbles, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Check this out." Sam turns his laptop to face Dean. "Stacy Altman, 19 year old babysitter from Hudson, Ohio was murdered last night."

"Oh, that blows. But if her name's not Amara, how is that us?" Dean asks.

"Because her heart was ripped out." Sam says.

"On Valentine's Day? What is that like an ironic werewolf? All right, we'll check it out. But first, I need bacon." He states.

"No, first, you need to shower." Sam says.

"Is it--" Dean sniffs his armpit. "You're not wrong."

"Yeah." Sam mumbles as Dean walks out.

"Aren't you glad I gave you all the hickeys on your chest?" Larissa questions.

"Very." He nods. "And also very glad for makeup."

"I am right here." Jacob says.


The door to the motel room opens and Dean walks in, everybody else there.

"Yo." Sam greets.

"Hey. Find anything?" Dean asks.

"Yeah -- jack. Absolutely nothing points to werewolf." Sam says.

"Well... step aside, Urkel." Dean puts a small drive into the laptop. "It was Dan that stole the nanny cam."

"Why?" Sam asks and Dean gives him a look. "He was schtupping the sitter." He realizes. Dean points to him.

"Wait a second. I thought Dan was at dinner with Melissa." Sam says, watching the video.

"That's not Dan." Dean says.

Sam stops the video and goes back a few frames.



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