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Taehyung was beyond shocked when he got the news.  He felt betrayed . He felt ashamed as if he did a horrible crime . You may asked why ?

As for him he thinks he is the reason Jungkook never enjoyed his life and lied to him. 

Taehyung never wanted that .. he used to think he was someone Jungkook is totally free but in reality it's quite opposite.

When he was thinking maybe there is a hope in the married life . Boom! He comes to know everything was a lie . His husband was lying to him from the beginning  

He is upset, frustrated, feeling helpless, disappointed with himself .

He just didn't want Jungkook to smoke , drink , bully or being bullied or late party because he once lived that life and the outcome wasn't that good . All he wanted to Jungkook to lead a happy teenage life but guess what he fucked up . All of above he pushed Jungkook this much that he is lying about his whole life to him .

Taehyung isn't blind that he couldn't see that Jungkook like him .. maybe he also started to feel love for him .. but now all he can think is that all was a lie too . There is no way Jungkook love ... No actually leave love .. Jungkook don't even like him . Maybe it's all part of that delusional part .





Jungkook was doing his assignment when Minho kept calling him . He kept cutting the call thinking he maybe inviting him for another wild party .

That's when Jimin barged into his room with a terrifying face. 

" Hyung , found out "

" What ? Hyung found out ? " Jungkook said with a teasing tone. .

" Everything about us . He knows about every lie we told him "

Jungkook felt like a thunder fall in his body .

He hide everything so he can live his life as a crazy college guy also as a perfect wife of taehyung..

But now ..

" Who told him ? "

" Minho said ..  Neo was showing his picture to his hyung   he noticed you. Neo found it wired so he called minho  ... "

" Who is this hyung ?? God !!"

" Joshua hyung "

" That bitch always create problem. "






Taehyung called Jungkook in his office after coming home . Jungkook was sweating in nervousness.

" Jungkook, I have come to know that .. you lied to me for a decade.

Is it true ? "

Jungkook nods . Taehyung unbuttoned top two buttons of his shirt ...

He really hoped that Jungkook would say jousha was the liar but even after denying to accept the reality.. reality is reality.

" May I know why ? "

" Hyung, I just didn't want to hurt you . All I want to like me . But you wouldn't like me if you knew I am like the bad guys you told me to stay away from .

Hyung , I m sorry . I just want to keep a perfect balance between everything . "

" Well .. sad to say but ..

I am still hurt Jungkook. Maybe more than I would be if you told me you like fighting, creating a dark aura , late night party, drinking, smoking etc . "

" Hyung, I will stop everything hyung . Please forgive me "

Taehyung was looking at Jungkook with hazel eyes.. Jungkook was crying cats and dogs .

" I can forgive you ... "

Jungkook looked at taehyung with his doe eyes .. his eyes were slightly red because of crying so does his cheeks . 

" Just say whatever you want hyung"

Taehyung walked close to him... and wipes jungkook's tears

"  I want you to be you from now on . I want to see the real you from now .

I hope you can do that "

Jungkook again broke down in tears and nods frequently.

Taehyung just kissed his forehead and Jungkook just hugged him as tight as he could.  Tae just t
Stand there.   For Jungkook that enough .







At midnight...

Taehyung was in his office smoking.. after while he smoke and it feels as good as he remember .

Tae took out his phone and call someone.

" Hello .. "

" Finally you called . I was waiting for you"

" Jeonghan.. I wanted to ask more questions.. I didn't wanted to forgive him this easily . " ..

" Then why you did ? " ..

" I was afraid.  After that one yes . I was feeling like .. maybe I can't bear that anymore.  What if the more I ask the more it hurt . It's already quite tough "

" Tae .. sometimes forgetting is the best we can do. 

He is young.  He didn't think too much about it.  He is way was wrong however he did it for you "

" That's what make me sad . Maybe "

" Hey stop.. I told you before stop thinking about divorce all the time .. god "

Taehyung let out a fake laugh ...

" I wouldn't need to do that .. maybe in few days I would got to know he also love someone else.  ...

Also maybe.   He is in a .. ' that' kind of relationship with someone "

" Dude you are too much negative "

" Well .. what can you expect from a boy of broken family "

" Shut it tae .. listen .. "

Jeonghan turn the talking session in another direction successfully . 

However, what taehyung didn't know was Jungkook was standing behind the door crying cats and dogs. 

" That's why I didn't wanted you to know anything .

I love you and I am not leaving you . "






Hey people..

Sorry for late late late update .

I hope you are well

Also .. please comment about how you like or hate this ..

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