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Jungkook was chatting with jimin in the living room where rose was reading a book across the room. The door bell rang a maid went to open the door . Taehyung entered tried . Jungkook looked at Taehyung but made it like he didn't even notice Taehyung. 

Rose and jimin greeted their brother . Taehyung nods .  Taehyung just gave a look at jungkook and left the place . Jungkook cheerful eyes turn sad. 

Well , Jungkook and Taehyung have a disagreement . Jungkook want to go to a fair which was situated at the next city . Taehyung asked if he was going with his friends as jimin doesn't like fair . Jungkook replied negative and said he wants to visit it alone .

Taehyung didn't heard another word and said No . Jungkook tried to make Taehyung understand he is old enough to visit a fair by his own and he will go there with their car so transport is not a problem .

Taehyung pretend like he couldn't heard jungkook . So there were a cold war between two. 





" Jungkook why you such a long face ? " Mr.kim asked his lovely son-in-law .

" Its nothing dad .. Its just people dont have eyes" Jungkook commented as he played with his food 

Mr.kim understand something happened between two and he so become quite but Taehyung is Taehyung...

" Dad , dont you think people nowadays think if they are getting tall thats mean they can go anywhere without any protection " ..

Ouch .. jungkook glare at Taehyung while Taehyung is not backing. 

While other members were kept eating their meal .






" Ela , Why do you need leave ? " Taehyung asked his assistant who suddenly asked for a leave .. " Well , Mr kim today is the last day of a fair . I want to visit so thats why!"
Ela's blush was telling tae whom with she is going. 

" Isn't the fair in another city ? "

" yes . But Its beautiful.  "

" what actually beautiful there ? " Taehyung asked sincerely well his husband was mad with him for a week so he needs to know

" Beauty has many definition Sir . Something simple can attract you via its simplicity which is beauty for you  also -"

" Come to the main point "

Taehyung glare at her . He needs to know fast

" Well for foods . There foods are tasty not forgetting the photo booth .  "

" ok leave . "

" Sir my leave ? "

" just go to the hella of place "

Ela gave him a big teethy smile and bow and left the place ..

Taehyung picked his phone and dial a number .. 

" Hello ... Umm can you help me ? "





The car door open a whiny Jungkook was waiting for Taehyung . " Why did you call me ? Where are we going ?"

" At a weird place . You will like it as you a weirdo yourself "

" You are not handsome or something "

" still girls throw themselves on me ". Taehyung smirk but soon its fall as jungkook gave him a look I will kill you dont irritate me .







3 hours later ..

Jungkook mouth was opened ... Taehyung had a small smile looking at him ..

" FAIR "  Jungkook grab Taehyung's hand pull him in the fair .





Jungkook was eating everything. At first Taehyung was ordering for  two . Than its become for one . As jungkook would give him his 60% food as his attention went to another food .

" lets click some photos" Jungkook said as he saw a photo booth

" Nah..  I dont want to "  Taehyung said while looking at his nails waiting for jungkook to request however,

" Ok . Than wait . I will take some of mine "

Taehyung looked at him surprised...




" why are you here ? "  Jungkook asked as he fixed Taehyung headband . " Just to protect you " Jungkook rolled his eyes .

Taehyung pulled jungkook cheeks out of nowhere thats when *Click*

Taehyung was laughing is lungs out when Jungkook pushed him from the stoll Taehyung was unstable and jungkook was laughing *Click*

Taehyung doesn't know how he lost in jungkook eyes who had a soft smile " click "

" Lets give a big smile " Jungkook said . So Taehyung gave his boxy smile and jungkook his bunny smile *Click*





" Jungkook dont fall asleep ok ? " " iwhidnjo not asleepppjko" jungkook replied " Yeah .. I can heard that "

Taehyung pushed jungkook bit high as he was carrying him in his back .

" Well fair wasn't that bad " Taehyung thought as walked towards their car where their driver was waiting for them .

" He look like he is exhausted" driver said while driving .. " Well he ran the whole fair which isn't small area .. maybe i need a day of myself " driver chuckle at Taehyung's comment .






After changing and forcing jungkook to change they both fall on the  bed  Jungkook was already asleep .

Taehyung drag that boy close to him put blanket properly on him and secure him in his arms  ..

Taehyung won't admit but now he developed a habit of sleeping Jungkook in his arms .

" Atleast he had fun and It wasn't that bad .. lets do this next year "

Taehyung fall asleep thinking about today. 


I am sorry for late update .

Btw will you guys hate me if its have a sad ending?

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