Part 46

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Sam's POV

I was awoken by a little high-pitched squeal. Right when I opened my eyes, between my wife and I, was our newest form of happiness; little Joy, what we like to call him.

It's true that ever since he arrived our home has been more than joyful - For the past four weeks we've had encounters enormous moments of happiness; even changing his dirty and stinky diaper brings us happiness. He's just the cutest thing ever!

His big sister has also found a new source of happiness through him. As soon as Sarai met with Joy for the first time we could tell she fell deeply in love with his little brother. She wanted to hold him and kiss him all the time, and couldn't stop contemplating how adorable he was! She also said she couldn't wait to brag all around the school that her mommies make the cutest babies ever (including herself, of course)!

We were so happy to see that our girl was loving the new big sister role!

Back to our little Joy; he's the calmest baby EVER! He's so calm that me and Mon worries something might happen to him and we might not notice. Mon even called Doctor Heng to see if it was normal; he only said we were lucky and we should be thankful because normally newborns cry a lot.

Not our Joy!

He sleeps all day and only eats because we wake him up to do so! We have been so on top of his schedule as well that we haven't missed a dirty
diaper. He sleeps like an Angel, and Mon decided that it was best for him to sleep in our room to be sure if he cries or something happens we won't miss it - So, we brought his bassinet into our room but he usually wakes up between us. It's a bad habit that both me and Mon have picked up and we were advised by our friends and doctors to let him sleep on his bassinet.

He's too little and precious, it's not our fault we can't be away from him for two minutes.

For example, he's right next to me but I miss him already... I just don't know how to explain it.

It's the same way I used to feel when I first met Sarai at the orphanage, the only thing is that I would actually have to leave her behind every time. It took a while to understand that I had taken the motherhood role and the love I had for her was beyond friendship or pity!

Now, with this new baby at home and experiencing the whole pregnancy and motherhood at a new level has made me happier than I have ever been in my entire life!

Watching my wife care for our son so gently and with so much care and love makes this ten times worth it - I've always admired how she cared for our daughter and other children but I can't stop to admire every time she is on a rocking chair feeding him or when she's simply changing his diaper. Mon does everything with so much love that I sometimes forget that we are actually sleep-deprived and that we haven't had a full bath time without interruption since he arrived!

Not because he cries or anything but because we are so self-conscious with him and Sarai at home that we've totally forgotten how to act without them for a few seconds.

Mon has been very supportive, extremely supportive actually! She lets me sleep during the day, for the most part, while she takes care of both Sarai and Joy. It's been helpful because I don't feel that postpartum burden, instead, I feel loved and taken care of! Even my doctor noticed it and he was very happy that childbirth didn't leave a big negative impact on our lives. We are enjoying it. Every second of it!

I feel so grateful!

Honestly, if this is a dream I don't want to ever wake up. I want to stay just like this, with my little family. They bring the best out of me. No, they made the best of me and I can't begin to picture my life before them - I mean, I don't want to actually!

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