Part 40

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Sam's POV

The one thing I feared the most was happening.

I worked so hard and did my very best to keep Sarai's image a secret - I know it's dumb/hard since I am a well-known person but it was possible; for five years!

Even at the school, they know that Sarai's privacy is my priority- and not a lot of people recognize Sarai as my daughter - only the ones she's close to but until now no one has shared any pictures or information about her.

I fear now that my daughter won't be at peace. That she will constantly have people following her around and stealing her childhood joy.

I don't want that to happen. Never!

I want her to live freely, play, and be a kid - like any other child. I don't want her to have a childhood like I did.

With Sarai's picture and information being leaked to the public that also means my "family" would be aware of my personal life; another reason why I didn't want this to ever happen. Now they will instigate and try to use Sarai as a way to approach me; I just know it!

I don't want my daughter or wife around my toxic "family"! I don't want to associate with them ever again!

They never supported my decisions and choices anyway - and I know it won't change anything now that I am married and with a daughter.

They will use this for their image, that's the only way - because despite me being the "disappointment" they say, I'm still successful and respected by everyone... They want that and they need that... So the elite society can praise them and say "You did a good job raising your daughter" but the truth is they never did.

I am the only child so my father had my life all planned before I even reached ten - he wanted me to marry one of his business partner's Son, so we could give them heirs (preferably a son) because my mother never gave him one, to continue their "legacy -

He was devastated to learn that I didn't like a man and for the longest, he tried to "convert" - as he used to say - me back to being a "lady"!

He did awful things to me, and everyone else just stayed quiet (meaning my mother, grandmother, aunts, and uncles) believing that what he was doing was "right"! In reality, he was only creating traumas and terrible childhood memories for me.

The instant I turned eighteen, I was sent to a "boarding college" - in their mind that was a punishment but for me it was heaven. That's where I worked hard, studied, and enjoyed my life the most! Before I graduated I had already made a name for myself and I was getting known. I build the life I have today, on my own!

I ran away from them and never returned; I have been happier since and I know they see my success every day.

Therefore, I will continue trying my very best to keep it that way. I don't want their toxicity around my family!

Sarai is mine and Mon's only - we don't need anybody else.


We arrived home around eight at night - Luckily Yuki was able to trick the paparazzi and I used the back door of her building to get Sarai.

She was so happy when she noticed that I and Mon were waiting for her inside the car; she jumped and screamed excitedly while hugging us.

We thanked Tee before heading home.

Though it was past Sarai's bedtime she still had lots of energy left - I'm assuming she ate some sugary stuff!

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