Part 22

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Mon's POV

Sam didn't return!

She left the room about two hours ago and hasn't returned. I'm worried... I'm not sure what she's doing but I know she's planning something!

I know, for sure she won't let the authorities do the justice on their own. She will intervene and I don't want her to do that!

Nop is a lost cause!

I don't want Sam to get her hands and image dirty because of me... because of him!

However, I'm not sure she will listen to my request!

She's obviously avoiding me after I told her to leave it alone. She left the room a while ago and hasn't returned!

It's also 3:46 a.m. WHERE COULD SHE BE?

The Nurse helped me go to the bathroom and put me back in bed. I couldn't see the scar since it's still covered but I can feel the sharp pain here and there at times.

The nurse said I was lucky! Fortunately, it didn't do much damage and I was lucky enough that they had someone donating the blood a few days ago!

She also told me that Sam demanded them to transfer me to the VIP section!

I asked her when I could go home but she said maybe in a few more days, it would depend on how well my twenty-four hours of recovery goes.

I wanted to keep my eyes open just in case Sam came back again but my body was betraying me.... I was still very tired and drowsy and I think it was because of the meds or maybe the unfortunate events that happened!

My eyes slowly started to close...


I opened my eyes and noticed the white ceiling - with the monitor's beep I recognized that I was still in the hospital... Deja-vu!

When I turned my head I noticed Sam's hands holding mine while her head was lying on the bed... she was sleeping!

Poor thing, she must be tired!

I grabbed my left hand and caressed her hair gently but she quickly got up when she felt my hands on her... it looks like I startled her, a little!

I smiled at her, to assure her everything was okay... and she relaxed!

Sam; Hey, you are up! - she moved from the chair and sat on the bed, facing me!

Mon; I've missed you! - I really did! Haven't seen her in a few days and never expected to greet her back in this way!

Sam; I've missed you too! - she left a kiss on my forehead!

Mon; How's Sarai?

Sam; well, she didn't want to leave your side! I had to take her home myself once the doctor told us you were okay!

Mon; I'm sorry...

Sam; about? - she resided her eyebrows

Mon; For everything... Putting her life in danger!

Sam; None of this is your fault Mon, stop thinking that! It's his fault! He's the bad guy here, you didn't do anything wrong!

Mon: Well I did - I let out a loud sigh - I believed him and got myself into this situation!

Sam; That's just who he is and was all along! You are a victim in this situation! - she caressed my cheeks - Sarai will be okay, she was most scared about losing you. We all were!

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