Chapter Five: The Road to Orindis

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Jule twirled around the bathroom while getting ready, the music from Rosalina's house blasting through her walls. It helped and lifted her mood before meeting Carrillo for a trip she had no idea where to.

She'd chosen an appropriate outfit that'd allow her to be ready to fight, run or jump, if needed. Cargo pants, large enough for her to move and with a large pocket on the side, and a sleeveless turtleneck that let her arms free.

She'd saved her upper body harness in the backpack to put on later, together with two of her daggers, her coconut shell water bottle, a map of Pietra and a compass. She had no list of things to take, so she chose whatever would be useful.

A change of clothes and a windbreaker also joined her sleeping bag inside the backpack.

The binoculars, she left them for last and flung the strap over her shoulder. She tied the laces on her steel-toed boots, twirling around one last time, her long braid dancing along.

She'd woken up anxious, the unknown journey ahead bringing up insecurities about her ability to do the job. Every time she had to do something like that, a tiny question rose in her mind that, perhaps, someone else would be better suited.

She'd have to hide her connection to the book, she'd have to keep her sisters informed, and she'd have to figure out how to even get the book. Only the Gods knew what protected it. And Carrillo.

It'd be a complicated mission.

But then, Rosalina had turned up the volume. The hot and fast rhythms of Zhéha could drag anyone out of a bad mood. Their traditional music genre had been created for happiness, for dancing.

That's all she wished to do after it came on. No more frightened thoughts.

"Jule!" She stopped with a hand on her backpack while Mama knocked hard on the door. "I've been calling you for ten minutes!"

She opened the door and followed Mama to the kitchen.
"I didn't hear you, I'm sorry. Good morning."

"It was a good morning!" Mama stepped hard on the ground, her fists clenched against her sides. "Until Rosalina turned that damned volume up!"

Jule sat at the table and grabbed a couple of sour breads and sliced mango. Her mama took the sour breads away from her with more force than necessary.

"Your sister came around, one of her beauticians missed work today, and she needs you to take care of her appointments."

Jule furrowed her brows.
"Why didn't she talk to me first? I'm leaving I dont even know for how long, at least a few days, I can't help her."

"I know you don't want to work for her, we've heard that a million times, but this is urgent..."

"And I understand that, mama, but I can't help her."
Mama dropped the plate so hard on the table she almost jumped.

"Enough. Enough of this pretending you have something better to do. I know you still haven't found a job."

Jule dropped the bread she was eating, slowly.
"Enough of this rebellious phase you're in since your sister got her own business, I won't tolerate..."

She jumped off her seat and grabbed her backpack. The music from next door stopped so suddenly a buzz sang in her ears.

Mama followed her to the front door.
"We've given you everything we've given her, how come she did something with it and you did not?"

The unfairness of it all raged inside her, words locked on her throat unleashing, all at the same time, as she turned.
"I've been doing everything I can to make you proud. I've been working hard all these years, I've been saving to start my own business. What more do you want from me?"

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