Chapter 21

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I jumped on the couch with a loud sigh as soon as we got home . There was a large bruise above my eye were I got hit and I lightly rubbed it .

" Ow." I exclaim .

" Stop touching it ." Nick says as he chucks me a frozen bag of peas .

" Dumb piggy got me good . " I curse as the frozen peas start soothing my eye.

Juliette comes down the stairs .

" Hi Juliette ." I say while turning on the tv.

"Hey , what happened to you ?" She says lifting the bag from my eye and examining it closely.

" Bauerschwein , cheap shotted me in the interrogation room because Nick thought it was a good idea to not cuff him ."

" I needed him to "trust " us so we could see him woge."

" We saw him woge alright , I saw his fucking fist too."

" bauerschwein ?" Juliette questions walking  to Nick .

Forget she was still brand new with all this .

I leave the conversation to Nick as both their voices get quieter . Then , my ears pick up a distant noise . It was the sound of a jiggling doorknob . I whip my head to the door and creep up to it , finally ripping the door open.

A short plump man was bending over by the door handle with a tool in his hand . He jumps back knocking over his toolbox .

" What are you doing ?" I question , expecting a robber but got a nice looking man who appears to be fixing the door .

He woges in front of me and turns into a beaver looking wesen .

" Eisbeber ." I say.

" oh sorry , I came here last week for the fridge and I realised your door was broken too so I came to fix that . Well it's fixed now . I'll get out of your hair now ." He said with a small worried smile and started packing up his tool box .

" Uh - Thank you..." I say not knowing What to do .

I watch him run to his car and I close the door and turn around to see Nick and Juliette looking at me .

" Who was it ? " Nick asks .

" A dude out there was trying to fix the door , apparently he came here last week for the fridge too i don't know . He was a Eisbeber. ."
I say as I go towards the kitchen .

" Oh I made bolognaise, help yourself ." I go in the kitchen and see there large pot of that beautiful red pasta and I make myself a plate .

" Yous want me to make you one ?" I saw standing in front of the bowl cupboard .

I get a no thank you from both of them and go to the table to eat . I dig in and hear Nick and Juliette whispering so I put in my earphones . I listen to my music as I finish my last bite of pasta until I get up and wash it .

I say goodnight to the both of them without taking my earphones out and jump straight in the shower . The hot water on my black eye felt like splashing lava on me and winced everytime it hit my face .

Finally , I get out of the shower and get into a shirt and pajama pants, smiling when it was Sean's black shirt he gave to me . It went all the way to the middle of my thigh and I started blushing while twisting the large shirt in my fingers .

As I got into bed , I could smell that blue playboy cologne Sean keeps in his car and I hugged the shirt , reminding me of him.


Falling for the ZauberbiestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora