Chapter 20

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The empty spot on the bed next to me woke me up. Sean was gone. Looking around the room , I saw he folded my pants and put it on top my draw. Dragging myself out of bed I go downstairs and Nick was watching tv .

" Hey, have you seen Sean." I ask him while he was laying down on the couch.

" Yea , he left like an hour ago , he was going home to get clothes."

I sit down next to him and we watch the news.

" How are you and Juliette ?"

" Getting better , she let me sleep in the bed ."

" Making progress. Im starving what's for breakfast."

Nick laughed at my sudden change of interest. Then we hear the front door open. Sean was now in a black half zip jumper with cargo pants on. He was holding a paper bag and walking towards the couch.

" I got breakfast."

He hands Nick a bacon and egg bagel and kisses me on the lips as he hands me mine . We were sitting down and eating while watching the television.

When we finished eating , I sat in the middle of Nick and Sean on the couch leaning my head on his shoulder and fiddling with his ring on his hand.

" So I was thinking we could go to the mall today and get some nice clothes." He said while trying to look at me.

" Sounds good to me."

" What are you doing today Nick." Sean turns to him.

" Oh you know the usual . Watching tv ." He says without taking his eyes off the screen.

" Do you wanna come with us." Sean offers.

" If that's alright with yous." Nick says now turning to me .

" Yeah you should come ."

" Aw , never too old enough to wanna hang out with your older brother ." He starts patting me on the head .

I go up to my room to get dressed and Sean follows. He lays on the bed with his arms crossed while he laughs watching me lose my mind over finding an outfit.

" How about this." I was modeling my outfit for him.

" You look amazing." Sean says smiling . I walk up to him and sit next to him on the bed while grabbing his hands.

" How did I get so lucky with getting you ?" I say while looking him in his eyes. Those beautiful green eyes.

" Are you kidding me? You don't understand I'm the lucky one ." He pulls me closer while stroking my hands.

" you're beautiful , a gentleman AND the captain of a police precinct . I couldn't be any luckier. I love you Sean Renard ." Telling him my true feelings while going back to fiddling with his ring.

Sean grabs my jaw to look at him , pulling my face closer .

" I love you y/n L/n , more than you will ever understand and I want all my nights to end with you next to me . "

He says keeping a straight face and still looking into my eyes . Then he pulls me into a long kiss and starts tangling his fingers in my hair.

He always liked being the dominant one in the kiss.

I pulled back and he was smirking at me with the softest eyes ever that a tough looking man could give.

We both leave after a few more minutes of being in each other's presence and Nick is ready on the couch watching tv again. He was gaining a bad habit of not being the same fit active Nick , instead he was becoming lazy and his hair and beard were starting to make a statement on his face. ( watching tv is not lazy but for a Grimm / detective kind of is . Sorry to all the grimms reading this ;) )

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