Chapter 2

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" No problem , detective Burkhardt tells me you are a very experienced detective , please , have a seat . "

" Captain im gonna have to go ,we gotta body "

" of course Nick , leave y/n with me "

Nick comes over and kisses me on the head . I give him a disgusted look and laugh , he's always been the lovey dovey type , me not so much . Renard smiles at that antic .

" So y/n , I gotta admit you have a really good record . Loads of arrests when you were a patrol officer . But " he puts down my files " Nick tells me your a bit of a rebel , will this be a problem "

In that moment I wanna give him the dirtiest look ever but remembered my words in the car.

" no sir , it won't be "

" Good , let me show you around the precinct " he gets up .

* in this case the one you see in the show *

He gets up and opens the door for me .


We end up back at Nicks desk .

" So , detective , you're not the talkative type so I'll leave you be now , please sit at your new assigned desk next to your brothers . I know you'll do great things . " he smiles at me again then leaves .

I sit down at my new desk with a computer and a name tag


I already know a little bit about detective work so I grab a file from Nicks desk and take a look . I then get a weird sense that someone's looking at me . I whip my head around to make eye contact with the captain through his blinds . He was giving me that , kind of hungry look . He looks down and I turn back . Wowzers. That just happened .

" There's my new partner , how'd it go . "

Nick hands me a hot chocolate , and him and Hank have a coffee.

" it went good , captain showed me around the precinct , can I have a sip?"

" no way , your too young . "

" mabro Im 20"

" Old enough for coffee but not old enough to stop talking like a teenager . "

I mock him as he sits down and shows me the photos .

" What happened to her . "

I looked at the photos , one showing a ripped of arm and another showing a dead body .

"Found a body in the forest this morning , jogger looks like they got attacked by a bear of some sort " Hank said.

" yea , a bear on cocaine " I joked

Hank laughed and Nick gave me a look .

" oh sorry , dead body got it , rip " I apologised

Hank huffed and got back up

" Well partners , I'll see you guys tomorow ."

We said our goodbyes to Hank.

" Lets go home Nick "

" yep real quick gotta show captain these photos ."

I wait with my stuff in front of the captains office until Nick finally comes out and so does the Renard.

" A quick word y/n"

" sure sir "

Nick gives the captain a nod .

" I'm waiting in the car " Nick gestures to me .I smiled at him as I turn towards the captain, who was now leaning against the doorframe with his hands in his pockets .

" how was it today ?"

" Good captain , again thanks for the opportunity, I'll be more hands on tomorrow " I give him a smile and he grins .

" perfect and y/n " he adds while I'm walking away looking at him .

" you don't have to wear Nick clothes , just make sure it's appropriate " he gives me another smile as I walk away , flushed .

I get into the car and Nick and I talk more about the Body .

" oh and y/n , about what you saw this morning-"

" don't worry Nick , I won't tell Juliette , just promise to let me have a cruiser while we talk about it ."

I try and negotiate , he huffs .

" Fine , you're lucky I don't arrest you ." He jokes

" UHM didn't you forget ima detective now ? "

" yea but technically your too young to be so I guess your not a detective "

" fine then I'll tell juliette "

" hey I think that's unfair "

" and I think you're a bitch but hey - OW"

He hits you on the stomach just like this morning and starts to laugh at you while you hunch over in pain .

" Fuck you , I swear when we get home "

You realise you're outside the house and look at Nick while you punch him in the boobs and run out the car running into the car .

You laugh as you hear Nick scream MY TITTES but stop dead in your tracks when you see your aunt Marie sitting at the table .


You rush over and hug her when you hear Nick slam the door and run into the dining room .

" IM GETTING YOU BACK - aunt Marie ?"

Nick hugs her and yous both stand next to each other .

" what are you doing here " you start

"I have to tell yous everything , yous have been seeing things you can't explain right "

You and Nick look at each other .

" like , weird creatures ?"

Nick says .

" yes , their real , all of them yous got the curse faster than I realised "

" what are you talking about auntie? "

She's getting up so I lift her up and she leads Nick and I to her car with a trailer attached to the back. She gets A weird looking key out of her pocket and unlocks the trailer .

She lets you and you and Nicks mouths drops "

" Holy shit " you say

" Watch your language "

Aunt marie then sits yous down next to her while she opens up a large book .

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