Chapter 7

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I open my eyes weakly . I hear the machine beeping and can see two blurry figures . Nick and - the captain ? My head feels strong enough to turn it towards the captain that is fiddling with his ring . He shifts his head fast towards me as he notices movement in is peripheral vision. He smiles showing his teeth .

" what you still doing here captain ? " I say.

" Just checking up on my detective , how you feeling "

" Like I got hit by a fucking truck " he lets out a small laugh .

" How long have I been out ?"

" 3 hours y/n , we were worried "

I turn to Nick who's actually sleeping , sprawled across the red ottoman couch that was pushed right next to my bed . I smile .

" Watch this " Renard gets up and stands next to Nick . He bends down and starts to tickle his nose . I let out a giggle as Nick pushes the captains hand and turns his back to him .

" 5 more minutes " he says half asleep .

" Niiiiick" I tickle his nose some more . He opens his eyes and sees me .

" Y/N" He gets up and stands over me .

" You've been out for three hours Nick !" I joke.

" Haha" he says in a sarcastic way. Just as both boys go on each side of my bed the doctor walks in .

" what do you got doc?" Renard says getting serious .

" Well, miss L/n , you were dead for 5 minutes "

A huge shock rushes over me and Nick grabs my hand .

" Yes , you are completely fine now but it was a miracle , we'd like to keep you for a few days for extra safety, your safe to eat but limit your walking please,feel free to sleep here with her " The doctor leaves the room and we sit there in shock .

" I'll go get us some food , you want something cap?" Nick says getting up .

"  it's alright , I have to go now that she's safe , come in at work when your ready " Nick nods to the captain and leaves the room. He was still at the side of my bed.

" Captain , thank you so much , for saving my life and bringing me here I-"

" No need to thank me , you saved a girls life and brought a victim to justice " we sit in silence . Damn I should touch his hand . I'm doin it . I put my hand on his and he looks up at me with wide eyes . I squeeze it . He then starts to rub his thumb over my hand with a small smile , not hiding his flushed cheeks. His hands were so rough yet calming at the same time . He then gets up and stands at the door .

" goodbye y/n"

" goodbye captain "

I watch him leave and if I wasn't weak enough I was about to hop around the room . Nick comes in 3 minutes later with containers .

" I got Chinese , the cafeteria was about to close so I had to pick the first thing ."

He helps me sit up and takes his shoes off and crosses his legs at the end of the bed.

We eat in silence until I remember my fever dream .

" Nick " I put down my fork .

" what is it ?" Nick still digging in .

" right before I woke up I-, I had a dream "

He looks up at me.

" What was it about"

Falling for the Zauberbiestحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن