Chapter 6

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" you better be right about this"

We get out and get straight into it. We sneak to the side of the house when we hear shuffling . Oh my gosh , it's the dude and he's pissing on the fence . He then zips up his pants and walks into the house .

Ugh. Nick then starts walking to the side where he was . He looks at the fence like it's some fucking new discovery.I wave my arms at him signing to get the Fuck out of here. I turn around and crawl to the car when I hear a loud shatter . Turning around quickly and see Nick punching on with old matey . He  throws Nick to the wall and I punch him in the face from the side knocking him to the floor.

" Ouch , chill out ,chill out " he gets up and dusts himself off while holding his cheek that was now turning purple.

" let's get you guys a cold brew " We walk behind him hesitantly but he lets us inside and takes us to the kitchen . He cracks two and just as he opens the last one Nick stops him.

" She's too young "

" Im Monroe "

" Y/n , this is Nick "

" Yes I know you "

" I've never seen a Grimm before , wow " He squints into Nick eyes and Nick puts his head back .

" How do you know we're grimms "

Monroe eyes open wide .

" WE'RE ?" He shifts his head to my eyes. He woges right in front of my eyes .

" Holy crap , yous both are grimms , but " He sniffs me . Weird.

" I coulda sworn you smelt like a blutbad."

" Wait really ? " I say

" Yes , you reek of it , not reek but you know smell like a -"

"How do you know ?"

" Takes one to know one ."

I turn to Nick

" Nick , remember what Aunt Marie said in the trailer "

" That you were a wesen too"

" Woah " Monroe says " you're telling me you're a Grimm AND a blutbad. "

" So that means mom is a Grimm , and your father was a blutbad" Nick puts together.

" Oh my god , I'm an animal "

" Woah , how did yous not know , seems like you're new at this "

Nick and I turn to each other .

" Yep guessed it"

" Ok let's cut the crap , you know where the little girl is"

" I don't "

" Well you atleast have an idea"

" Uh no I don't , other blutbads don't bother me , I don't bother them"

Nick then throws Monroe against the wall . I pull him off each other.

"You can sniff them out atleast "

" So you're putting me on the case, like a detective ? I can get use to this "

" Let's just go "

We pull up to the forest . After a lot of keep goings we pull up to a moss covered small cabin. Hard to describe it was Dimly lit except for the inside were I could see the inside which was being illuminated by a not so strong light source. We get out of the car and Monroe grunts . Covering his nose. He woges and then he  freaks out .

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