Chapter 13

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" HANK NO , it's still Carly." Nick was pleading to him while he was pointing his gun at them.

" NO SHES NOT NICK , YOU CANT SEE WHAT I SEE" Hank felt himself losing it even more .

" Yes we can Hank. Look everything you've been seeing them , I can see them too and so can y/n , it's more of a family problem." Hank wasn't giving in.

" He's telling the truth . We will explain everything after just please put down the gun." I now stepped in front of Nick and Hanks aim was getting shakier by the second . Hank lowers his gun and he sighs.

" Yous can see them too?"

" Yes Hank all of them."

" I'm sorry Hank , I shouldn't have acted like that but I thought they were gonna kill me." Carly was now walking up to him apologising.

" Why ?" Hank said.

" They both are grimms."

" A wha."

" A Grimm . We can see the creatures too when they don't wanna be seen." I say while looking through the barn walls. Jarold was on on his knees with a gun to his head and Hayden was walking towards us.

" Detectives , we can talk about this." He was walking in with his hands up.

" Nick what do we do." Hank says.

" He thinks he has an advantage , but he dosent know what we are. "

Hayden walks in and Carly is behind me . She holds on to the back of my jacket.

" Give the girl back. Or else. " He says now standing in front of us.

" Or what." I say. Hayden eyes darken and he smirks.

" Or this ." He then woges and sprints towards me to the speed of light . My gun handle connected with his forehead as he fell onto the floor , turning back .

" That's right , they're grimms" Carly says now standing her ground.

Hayden's eyes were shifting from Nicks and I's and he was panting.

" They'll kill him if anything happens to me . "

I flip him over roughly and cuff him .

"What now." Carly says while I tie a rag over Hayden's mouth.

" Now , you scream." Nick says.

We hear Carly run outside and scream and the three of us hide next to the door.

Growling fills the room as the coyotls take the bait.

" Put your weapons down now." Hank orders.

They all look at Nick and I and woge back.

" They're grimms." The boys lower their guns and we cuff them all.


Nick and I were walking up the stairs at the station when we walked past Jarold and Carly.

" Hey you guys good now?" I say to them.

" Yea , Hank just got her statement . I have to say , if yous weren't grimms , I don't think we wouldn't have gotten her in time so thank you guys so much." Jarold thanked us.

" You guys go home and have a good rest." We part ways and Nick and I walk down the hall.

" Nick how do you think Hanks processing the ' i can see creatures too' shit?"

" Hopefully well "

We sit down at the desk and Nick starts.

" Hey Hank , I know this must be alot to take in but -"

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