Chapter 4

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" y/n , what happened ?"

" Aunt Marie showed up when we came got home and - she came out on the street and just started fighting with that dude , she knew him , she said his name was hulda"  Nick was standing next to aunt Marie who was getting put in the ambulance .

" Look y/n I got this , you and Nick go to the hospital "

" Thanks Hank "

I walk over to Nick who was now talking to Juliette .

" Nick , Hanks got this we can go with her."

" You sure you don't want me to come "

Nick and Juliette talk while I walk to the car . So it's my first day of being a detective , I find out that I can see if people are strange creatures and not only does aunt Marie come to visit she also gets attacked by said strange creatures ? The fuck kinda city is this ? Nick hops in and we stay silent until the hospital .

"Y/n , Nick "

I sit beside her and hold her hand .

"What I said before , it's all true . Yous two are one of the last grimms . "

" You just need some rest " Nick tells her .

" no Nick , yous have to trust me "

" I trust you auntie" I say . She smiles .

" I know you do y/n , you've always been special."

We say our goodbyes and go home .

* Middle of the night "

" y/n , y/n" I Wake up to see Nick shaking me .

" Nick ? What is it " He dosent say anything but pulls out the key that Aunt Marie used for the trailer . He didn't need to say anything , instead we get up and go to the trailer . I walk In and pick up the book . I stopped at the page where I could recognise it.

" Nick , this is the one I saw this morning "

" Alexander "

" Hang on , you DO know about all this ?" I turn to him .

" NO I don't - I thought I was going crazy but Alexander , he was just always around I don't know why he just was."

" ugh , this is annoying I needa sleep. "

I go back into room and have no issue falling asleep , leaving Nick in the trailer by himself. 5 hours later my alarm goes off and I wake up and everything hits me like a train of what happened yesterday. I of course do the normal getting ready routine , put on my black jacket and Long cargo pants . I put my hair in a pony tail and go down stairs . I say Goodmorning to Juliette

" where's Nick "

" oh I found him last night in that trailer , he said he couldn't sleep . "

Shit . I speed walk to the trailer and open it . I see Nick and wake him up. He wakes up frightened.

" When did you sleep ?" I ask him while he sits up .

" I think about 20 minutes ago " he yawns .  I roll my eyes.

" come on you can worry about this stuff later , Aunt Marie and work first alright ?"

He agrees and he gets ready while I wait in the car. We drive to work and stop for a coffee , hot chocolate in my case. We show up to work and Hank shows up too .

" Y/n , Nick "

" Hank "

" You guys alright "

"I am , Nick barely slept "

" I'm fine , let's just work "

We walk up the stairs and Wu walks past

"Oh y/n , Nick , captain wants to see yous "

Nick looks at me

" Wait , why does everyone say YOUR name first ."

" Why do you think , cause I'm better than you , I'm kidding , does it really matter"

" Well yes Ive known them for longer "

We walk to the captains office and I knock , he gives us the hand to come in and we walk in.

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