Chapter 6

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Monday went as usual; work in the office, many calls and projects. Nothing extraordinarily. Today I agreed to meet with Josh this evening to discuss fifty million. I was also worried about what I would need to tell my father at dinner tomorrow. This was the first serious matter that my father entrusted to me and I failed it with a smile on my face. However, fortunately, the Lockwoods had their money again, which couldn't help but make them at least a little happy.

I was still really mad about Christian. This man dared to break into my life and then simply ignore me. Next time I'll still cut it with a knife.

"Stephanie, please come to me," I called my friend into the office to tell her about our trip, since I completely forgot to tell her.

"Yes, Vivien," Stephanie's voice was heard in the office a few minutes later; she sat down on a chair opposite my desk and her blue eyes shone in the rays of the sun. Why doesn't she work, as a model and she has never had any relationships at all. A girl like her should definitely be popular with men. Well, I will find out later.

"I wanted to say that in two weeks we are going to Puerto Rico with Josh, we have some things to do there, and I want you to help me with them," I smiled at her, noticing the embarrassment on her face, "but in general, I just want to relax and this is a great opportunity for that. You could use it my friend too," I winked at her.

"In Puerto Rico, with Josh?" Was she really embarrassed, Josh? Interesting, "Okay, I understand, should I order tickets or what?' Stephanie continued to speak.

"Today, I'm meeting with Josh and we'll discuss this issue and I'll let you know," I lowered my gaze a little as I sat in front of her and again the image of a dark-haired man about ninety meters tall and black eyes with caramel drops in the eyes popped into my head.

"Vivien, did something happen?" most likely Stephanie noticed my condition and mood, since she asked this question.

"Everything is fine..probably..yes, everything is fine, don't worry," I mumbled, which surprised me.

"Viva?" Steph said questioningly to me again.

"He's ignoring me," I blurted out immediately.

"Who? Christian Caine? "Stephanie must be a psychic since she figured me out right away, or she just already knows me well.

"Yeah, he's the one who got into my head and won't come out," I started waving my arms to the sides and complaining. So what? She is my friend, my only friend, and I have the right to discuss a man with her.

"It seems to me that he will let, Viva, know about himself," Stephanie smiled at me, as if she already knew that this was true.

"I don't know... I'm just confused. I don't understand what he needs from me," I put my hand under my head and rested my chin on it, leaning closer to Stephanie.

"Do you like him?" she asked me, and I felt like I was at school, my cheeks flushed red, and I wanted to look away.

"You like him!" Stephanie clapped her hands enthusiastically.

"No, no, I don't like him, but he's handsome as the devil, but that's all," I began to deny, proving to Stephanie or myself, I have not decided yet.

"Okay, I won't embarrass you anymore, if you want to talk, you know where to find me, but Viva, I think he likes you too, he just hasn't realized it yet," Stephanie answered me and left the office, leaving me alone with her stupid thoughts.

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