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'no! i don't want to!.. please dad why are you doing this to us?!' you tried to scream, but nothing comes out.

You brough your head to look up at him, just to be greeted with his deadly eyes, there was nothing. but a blank space inside them, not a single light spotted inside those orbs.

The room is completely silent. Only the sounds of the bottles clincking can be heard in the background. He takes another sip before he throw it aside. When he looks at you again, his eyes are empty, there is no mercy, no emotion, just coldness. His expression is hard and piercing, like he is looking straight through you and into your soul.

you gulped, as you slowly darted your eyes at your mother who's passed out in the corner of living room after nearly got abused by your dad earlier.

'no.. no.. mother.. please' you swear you're going to tear up, seeing your mother being unconscious there and defendless would be the last thing you ever wanted to happen. you could never afford her dying right infront of your eyes.

"MOM!" you shouted, but everthing went blurry just right before you woke up.

you heard your name was called several times but you weren't very sure who it was until you decided to lift your eyelids. You blinked your eyes momentarily to focus, soon darting your eyes aside, seeing toruu who had a concerned expression all over his face. that is when you realized it was just a nightmare.

Toruu was laying down with you in bed when he heard you calling out for help, he was a light sleeper, so hearing your voice he got worried about what was going on with you as he sat up and leaned over you.

"hey hey, you okay? it's just a nightmare alright?" he pulled you in close and kissed the top of your head as he rubbed your back, meanwhile you continued to stare blankly at the wall, processing what you just dreamed about. he kept reassuring you everything was going to be fine, he was trying to comfort you in every way he could.

His arms wrapped around you, his chest was pressed against yours. His embrace made you feel warm and safe inside. a smile creeps on your face.

"thanks," you muttered, leaning away from his embrace, dropping your gaze from him. your heart still ached from the drean you had just now, why would your mind suddenly bring that up?

He looked at you with such concern in his eyes. "Are you okay, love?".

You were still shaken up from the nightmare you just had, and you were trying to pull away from him, but he still wanted to see your face. resulting you bringing your gaze to his once again.

"... I'm fine" you let out a sigh, you wouldn't want to suddenly bring up your dad. toruu knows how much your dad acts like, it scared him. he wouldn't want you to experience the same thing again. he could never.

His face showed a small relief when you said you were fine. The concern in hid eyes lessend somewhat and he leaned towards you, his brown eyes staring at yours. "Are you sure? You seemed very shaken up from the nightmare you had."

You placed your palm on your temple, squinting your eyes shut. feeling a slight headache developing there. you just hummed in respond towards his question. "...just something from the past."

However, he didn't failed to notice the slight headache that you're having right now. he noticed that you had a tense tone when saying "from the past". he knew that there was something up about it, he wouldn't want to push your buttons by asking them so he reached forwards and gently rubbed your forehead with his fingers.

𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃 . miya osamuTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang