"That's a good point." Ophelia realizes.

"Oh, dude, she is into you." Dean says.

"Mm-hmm." Wally agrees.

"Dean..." Mary says.

"No, this is good. We've been looking for teachable moments. This..." Dean clicks his tongue.

"Everything all right, mom?" Sam asks when she looks at her phone.

"Yeah, just a hunter, needs some help." Mary says.

"Another one?" Dean asks.

"Can't have too many friends in this line of work." Mary says.

"Okay." Dean mumbles.

"The internet here sucks. I downloaded all the bunker's files to a new archive, but I'm not getting any signal, so I'm j--" Sam stops when Dean snores, pretending to be asleep.

"Nobody cares." He tells Sam.

"I care." Larissa quietly tells her husband. "Tell me." Sam softly smiles at her before going back into his rant.

"Cas, here's the thing you need to know about waitresses, okay? They get hit on all day long, so you gotta bring your A game." Dean says. "But, upside? They always smell like food."

"They always smell like food." Wally nods in agreement to the point.

"Upside?" Ophelia frowns.

"That's your fucking upside?" Larissa questions just as Sam finishes explaining what he's doing.

"Absolutely not." Natalie shakes her head.

"Dude, what?" Billy scoffs.

"I mean, to each their own, I guess. But... it's you, so, fuck no." Nathan says.

"How is that your selling point?" Daphne asks.

"You're disgusting." Libby tells him.

"Is that really an upside? They smell like food?" Sam asks.

"What, you don't want Larissa smelling like food?" Dean asks. "And Jacob, same with Nat?"

"I'm good with how she smells now." Jacob says.

"Why would I want her to smell like cheap, crappy food?" Sam asks.

Ophelia looks at Nathan.

"No, no, no. No, I-- I like your coconut shampoo and mango Chapstick, lavender body soap. I mean, you know, you-- it's the 21st century, smell however you wanna smell, but-- but, you know--"

Ophelia pecks him on the lips.

"Okay-- okay..." Mary tries to intervene.

"Right? It's great." Dean says to Wally who nods.

"Why would you want them to smell like food?" Sam asks.

"If you want your woman to smell like food, just date the damn food, jackass." Natalie says.

"Hey!" Mary bangs her hand on the table. Evie, who is right next to her, jumps at the noise, leaning towards Nathan.

"Screens down, eyes up, shut up." Mary orders.

"Sorry, mom." Sam says. He looks at Evie, giving the girl a questioning look. She nods, leaning back in her chair.

"Your mom scares me." Libby mumbles to her dad.

"One thing you and your sister can agree on." Sam mumbles.

"Sorry." Wally says.

"Okay, here's what we know." Mary says. "Our target keeps a tight schedule. He leaves every day at 8:00 PM and gets back exactly at 8:45."

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