"What? I'm sure we were all thinking it" He said between laughs making me groan.

"It would have been rude to leave leftovers" I said looking up at him giggling.

"I love a woman who can eat" He said smiling down at me cheekily.

"And I love you" The words slipping out of my mouth before I could realize.

Stunned expressions and silence enveloped us. I froze in his arms as the words that slipped out of my mouth registered in my mind. I could say I didn't know why it slipped out but I would be lying if I didn't know subconsciously but was pushing it to the back of my mind. I was shocked that it had slipped out so unexpectedly and in the moment.

I slowly sat up and turned to timidly stare back at Hassan as I waited for his reaction.

"You...what?" He asked in a shocked tone, looking at me. It seemed he was searching for something in my eyes as he kept looking at it intensely.

"I...I love you for the sake of Allah" I shakily replied with tears in my eyes.

And I do. Hassan came into my life and showed me what I was missing all these years. He filled a void in me that I thought no one would be able to. He became one of the most important people in my life faster than I could have imagined. And this really shows the bond soulmates have. After all we were made for each-other. Our souls recognized each other and I'm just so lucky to have found him already. And I hope he feels the same way too.

God I love him so much.

The biggest smile I've ever seen on him appeared and he pulled me to him in a bone crushing hug and whispered "I love you so much more baby"

I hugged him tightly as a relieved sob escaped my lips as I basked in the warmth of my beloved.

I felt something damp on my shoulder and it took me a moment to realize that he was crying silently on my shoulder.

"Are you...are you crying?" I asked in disbelief

"No" he sniffed while denying it.

He was crying. I felt so touched that I was able to evoke such a vulnerable emotion that I gave him gentle kisses on his soft waves of hair as I rubbed his back.

"Oh my God that's so cute Hassan " I gushed , dragging the so, as he continued to sniff more.

"Shush" he grunted playfully pulling away to look at me , making me laugh. And he called me the crybaby.

"Say it again" he demanded happily, his face slightly blotched from his crying. A childlike smile in his eyes as he eagerly waited.

My face reddened as I whispered in arabic, "Uhibbuka fillah"

His face softened as he gave me a soft kiss on the lips followed by a tender kiss on my forehead, placing his forehead on mine afterwards repeating the same words back.

I truly believe this is my soulmate. My Hassan.

And we created you in pairs.

As I stared back deeply into his eyes , I got reminded of a verse from the Quran:

Among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves, in order to have tranquility with them and He put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are signs for those who reflect. (Quran Ar-Rum, 30:21)

Alhamdulilah I discovered love in him.


I woke up in the early hours of the morning after the sound of something breaking jerked me out of sleep. I turned to my right and saw Hassan's side of the bed empty but still slightly warm.

I turned to the bathroom to see the door closed but there was light coming from underneath and i was hearing murmuring.

I got up and walked to the door and leaned my head on it and the murmuring got more audible.

"Not now. Not now" He seemed to chant frantically as he rummaged through the bathroom.

I knocked on the door and all movement seized. It became awfully quiet in there.

"Hassan?" I called out worriedly "Are you okay?"

"I am baby, I'll be out in a second okay?" He responded, his voice seemingly choked up and shaky. My ears could be playing tricks on me.

"Are you sure?" I couldn't help the worry creeping up on me as I heard how he sounded. Why did he sound scared?

"Yes Noor Ayn, just give me a second please"

"Okay..." I responded unsurely as I retreated to the bed and sat up waiting for him to come out.

After a few minutes, the bathroom light switched off and Hassan walked out from it. I looked at him apprehensively as he approached the bed and looked at me.

I noticed a change in Hassan's demeanor, sensing a subtle heaviness in his expressions. His once lively eyes now held a hint of weariness and there was a guardedness in his gaze.

"Let's go back to bed, hmm?" He asked softly as he sat on the bed beside me.

Confused, I prepared myself to ask more questions but he looked at me pleadingly as he motioned for me to move closer. He pulled me into his arms and put my head on his chest and I could feel how fast his heart was beating.

"Hassan..." I made to get up but he wouldn't loosen his hold on me.

"I love you baby, let's go to bed please. I'm not ready yet, please" He all but begged me with a crack in his voice.

I gave out a sigh of defeat as I responded "I love you, And I'm always here for you"

He tightened his hold on me and the room became enveloped in silence.

This silence was not like our usual ones.The air between us felt heavy with unsaid words, leaving me with a growing concern for the person I cared deeply about. After a while, his breathing slowed. I, on the other hand, didn't find the same fate.

My thoughts raced in a frantic pursuit of understanding what Hassan might be concealing from me. The palpable change in his demeanor left an unsettling weight in my chest. The tone of his voice, usually so resilient, now carried a hint of distress that I had never heard before. An urgency gnawed at me to know what was going on.

Questions swirled in my mind, each more urgent than the last. Why was Hassan up so late at night? What was he desperately searching for so late at night? Why did he sound like that? The scenarios played out vividly in my imagination, a reel of potential explanations, each more worrisome than the last.

In that moment, the need to know overwhelmed me. It wasn't just a desire; it felt like a necessity. The emotional distance between us tugged at my heart, and I couldn't shake the relentless worry that something was tormenting him.The echoes of that question lingered in my mind, intensifying my determination to know.

Another chapter
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This chapter is dedicated to @zeinz2 for the sweet motivational message sent to me 🤍

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