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By eight o'clock the next morning we were already on the way to the Airport. We had a flight by Nine o'clock but my mother being like all moms came over by seven and basically drove us out of our house saying we'd be late if we didn't go now.

Yeah okay Mom, we'd definitely take more than two hours to reach the airport. We were literally like thirty minutes from the Airport, what could go wrong?


We were late. The traffic prolonged the car ride so after a 45 minute drive, we finally reached the Airport. We were cutting it close so we rushed into the Airport. My Abaya flying everywhere, his abaya flying everywhere as we rushed to make it on time. Alhamdulilah that we did, that would've been embarrassing if we didn't .

After checking in, we passed through security and found our gate, my excitement and nerves building.

Boarding the plane, we settled into our seats and fastened our seatbelts and went through the usual procedures and waited to take off.

This being my first time on a plane, I could feel the nervousness creeping up on me. It only increased when I heard the pilot's announcement over the intercom,

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. Welcome aboard Delta Airlines. We're currently preparing for departure and will be taxiing to the runway shortly. Please fasten your seatbelts, stow your tray tables, and ensure all electronic devices are in airplane mode. Thank you for flying with us, and we wish you a pleasant journey"

I gave out a low shaky breath as i started to hear my heart pounding in my ears.

"Hey hey, deep breaths baby" Hassan said after noticing my stiff posture, taking my hand that was tightly holding onto my seat and rubbing it softly in a soothing manner "I'm right here okay?"

I gave him a brief nod and held unto his hand tightly.

With a comforting smile, he whispered, "Three words rhyming with try, go"

I looked at him sideways and he chuckled while beckoning me to answer.

"Cry" I felt a knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach as the plane taxied, the acceleration down the runway felt like a force pulling me back, making my heart race even more.

Hassan grabbed hold of the end of my niqab and lifted it up a bit and gave me a peck on the lips then whispered "Go on"

With a furious blush, I searched my mind for another word that would rhyme, my mind fuzzy from what just happened plus the jitters from the plane moving.

"Sigh" He nodded, pecking me on both my cheeks now. My cheeks could melt off with the how hot they felt right now.

"Sky?" His eyes looked at me adoringly as he kissed me on the gap between my eyes. He reached behind me and i heard the pulling up of the window curtain from the plane window.

"Turn around" He said with a soft smile as he motioned with his head, encouraging me to look at the window.

I turned around and was met with clouds from my window seat. The realization that I was suspended high above the earth for the first time made me grip unto Hassan's arm, unsure whether it was awe or fear.

"Look at the creation of our Rabb, Noor Ayn"

His steady presence and comforting words created a sense of security, allowing me to gradually ease into the unfamiliar sensations of flying.

The in-flight experience was filled with meals, entertainment, and some much-needed rest.

Upon landing in Paris, I was less scared though it was still nerve wracking but hassan got me thorough it.

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