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"Hassan look! We're so high up!" I couldn't help excitedly stating the obvious as we stood at the viewing platform .

We had just finally gotten in the tower after waiting for an hour or more. When we initially arrived and approached the iconic landmark, it's intricate lattice structure gleamed in the sunlight. The queue for the elevator echoed with various languages, each visitor eager to ascend the iconic tower.

Hassan came to stand behind me and we stood to admire the breathtaking panorama of Paris unfolded before us. The city's landmarks were bathed in the soft hues of sunset, casting a warm glow.

I fumbled for my phone in my coat pocket and shyly gave it to Hassan and gave him a wide smile. Which i'm sure he could tell with how my eyes got smaller and crinkled at the corners.

He gave a playful eye roll as he lifted up the phone and we started taking selfies together. We were positively beaming in all of them. Hassan being hassan of-course did some silly faces.

"Excusez-moi? Would you like I take some pictures of you two?" We heard behind us, turning to see an average height old french man dressed quite fancy for this occasion. He had a kind smile on his face as he gestured for hassan to hand him over the phone.

Hassan hesitated at bit but at the old man's insistence, he gave him the phone and came back to stand beside me and we took pictures with the landmarks behind us. There were some cute ones where hassan would hug me or wrap his hands around me. And I would want to melt into a puddle.

"Merci beacoup" "Thank you so much"

Hassan and I chorused as we approached him.

He gave us a sad smile and said "You remind me of wife, you see. She passed away last year. And I see you two and it reminds me of us. Vous êtes un beau couple"

My expression softened as I listened to the him tell us their story.

Pierre had proposed to Hariette here thirty years ago and they had just come here and returned home when she had a stroke, passing away that night. They never had children. I couldn't help feeling sad that his life partner was gone and he didn't even have a child to remind him of her.

"We're so sorry for your loss" I replied, tears brimming in my eyes.

Pierre gave a nod of appreciation. In a heartfelt manner, he responded,
"Merci beaucoup. Vos condoléances me touchent profondément." I didn't know much french but i think i had an idea of what he said.

Hassan stepped forward and gave him a final handshake of thanks , got my phone and Pierre walked away.

Hassan turned to see me dabbing my eyes with my hijab.

"Such a crybaby, you" He mumbled lovingly as he gave me a bear hug. I gave off a sniffle then a laugh as i hugged him back.


"You sure devoured our dinner today, I was afraid you'd mistakenly eat the plate" Hassan mused as I laid my back on his chest as we sat on the bed.

"Hassan " I dragged embarraseed while punching him lightly as he burst into quiet laughter, shaking my whole body due to how hard he was laughing.

We had just gotten back from dinner at a cute french restaurant and It was such a new experience for me. The French have such an inviting charm to them and they are so cheerful. I felt myself relax the second we arrived.

After making sure our choices were halal. I ordered Ratatouille, a vegetable medley stew with tomatoes, zucchini, and eggplant, bursting with flavors and served over couscous. While Hassan ordered a Beef Bourguignon which involved cooking the beef in a flavorful broth instead of red wine accompanied by onions and carrots. I couldn't describe how delicious our food was. Yes i had some of hassan's.

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