Without Tunes & Rhythms

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Here it goes, a poem or a story (who knows)
in this weather so fine,
your songs make me gaudy

Opera, rap, rock or melody
unfortunately, I lack finesse in every harmony

But, as typical as it could go,
a boy makes a girl tune without his clapo
So, I may be the Dorothy to his Salvatore
but, I feel like WALL-E when he's with EVE

To make you smile, I dig into my hypothetical inventory
and find you a gift this corny (again, I'm sorry)
Yes, oh, please , if it suits, kindly ignore me
but, yes, oh, please, remember to send me songs just as savoury

Be it the mountains or the sea
music trails lead when its just you and me

With anticipation of a reply,
Without any probability of glory
I sing to you; with words and only words
Forgive me, if this sounds absurd
for this all I could find without tunes and rhythms.

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