The Brighest Star

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Of all the stars you see and cherish,
it is your smile
that's the merriest.
Of all the times your moon was reddish,
the twinkle in your eyes
was the only relish.
The sky may be sometimes confused with your fetish,
but it does embellish your Paris.

Night falls everyday
but it seems so do the stars
for your warmth makes them stay for hours.
The other day? I saw a dancing mars!
It sure is dark,
but you make the evening shimmer
with silver jars.

In the embrace of twilight,
when you're gleeming in moonlight
all doubts fade
making it all so right
that one can't help but write!
After all, amidst the crickets and your sigh,
it's quite a musical night.

Of all the constellations the sky has to bear,
I see you looking for the brightest flare.
Endless quests to hope and despair
Yet you miss the most promising pair.
Your eyes explore the sky everyday, almost unaware
of being the brightest there.

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