Pokémon Lockdown Episode 8: Going to Nightcare

Start from the beginning


"Was there a reason why we had to wait till night to go to this place?"

They exit the subway heading to their destination.


"I'm pretty sure the name Nightcare kind of gives a reason on why we had to. The place wouldn't be open if we came during the day."


"So, is this place like a club or something? I could hardly imagine it being similar to a daycare where you leave your Pokémon to be taken care of."


"Well, it's definitely a place where Pokémon do be taken care of. As well as people."

Gen would slightly chuckle.


"So, like a spa resort or something? Your answer is pretty vague."

Cassie glared at Gen.


EXT. East District Nightcare – Night

The two would soon arrive seeing the building that had a neo-light sign above it titled Nightcare. Near the building was a long line of people that seemed to wait to get in, with a big male bouncer standing at the door along with his Incineroar.


"Oh hey, it's the challengers. Come to take on the turf leader?"

The bouncer looks over at them.


"We're actually here to deliver a package, but that might be on our to do list tonight."

Gen shows the package.


"Well go ahead on in. You can give the package directly to the boss. If you are here to battle, I'm sure she'll be very excited to take you both on."

The bouncer would look over at his Pokémon, and the Incineroar would open the door allowing both Gen and Cassie inside.


"Have fun, you two."


INT. East District Nightcare Floor 1 – Night

Gen and Cassie walk inside, it was quite dark with colorful dim lights illuminating the area. The two would hear music bumping in the distance.


"Well, that was rather nice of him to let us in. Guess it must be one of those perks since we're challengers. To be able to come to a place as busy as this, I wonder why so many people are so interested in coming here. This must be one heck of a cluuuuuub."

Once heading into the main floor area Cassie would be shocked at what she would discover at Nightcare.


"What in Arceus's name is this?"

Cassie's eyes widen as she caught the sight of humanoid female Pokémon dancing on strip poles, and shaking their asses, while the crowd of people cheered and threw money. Human girls wearing Pokémon outfits that barely cover their bodies as they walk around serving people drinks.


"Welcome the Nightcare, champ. A place where both Pokémon and trainers could come and have fun together. And I'll tell you it can be quite a wild experience."

Gen looks over at Cassie seeing her face blush extremely red as she barely covers her eyes from the erotic sight she was seeing.


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