Chapter 12: Pawning and Fawning

Start from the beginning

Y/n: Well I don't know about Gold, but if Hibari takes crack as an offering we're set.

Taking a deep breath, Misako shook her head and took the lead in going first inside with Kyoko and then you following close behind. The lobby itself wasn't any nicer than the outside, looking like it hadn't been washed in months maybe years. You felt dirty just being here, causing you to instinctively seek comfort by huddling in closer to the girls which they made no move to stop. Meanwhile Kyoko was looking around the lobby wondering if they were in the right place..

Kyoko: This is a pawn shop? Looks pretty empty.

Misako: It might be on a different floor. We should probably head downstairs and check?

Kyoko: Good idea, let's take the elevator.

Y/n and Misako: Yeah!

Realizing you'd had matching outbursts, Misako blushed and suddenly became very aware of how close your body was to hers while you were still too wrapped up in your discomfort being in this building to notice her reaction. Gulping nervously, Misako stepped away to go check out the elevator only to be disappointed upon seeing its doors sealed shut and draped in warning tape

Misako: Ah crap, it's broken. Guess we're stuck with the stairs.

Your eyes glanced shifting between the open door and the stairwell.

Y/n: Do we have too?

Misako: Yes.

Kyoko: But Misako, I'm not used to walking this much.

Y/n: Yeah. Me neither.

Misako: *CLAP* Kyoko! The boys remember.

Kyoko: Oh yeah.

Suddenly you felt Kyoko latch onto your arm as she dragged you towards the stairwell. You wanted to resist, you really did. But her boobs were squished against your arm, and that soft jiggling was too powerful to resist. So reluctantly you were forced to follow Kyoko down the stairs while feeling Misako's smug smile burning into your back.

Grumbling the whole way, you kept in line with Kyoko's step down the first flight of stairs. If not for being pressed against your friend's sexy figure you'd no doubt be gagging from the experience. The stairwell itself was no cleaner than the lobby, with too much spray painted tags and peeling paint for you to feel comfortable. So to cope you instead just kept your focus on Kyoko and how her hand subconsciously slipped into yours.

This helped as you descended to the first flight, then the second, and then the third. Eventually though not even your burning crush on the redhead could distract your from the seemingly endless series of stairs and empty floors without a pawn shop in sight. All this waking was starting to tire you out, and judging by the look on Kyoko's face you weren't the only one starting to feel the effects. The only one who seemed unbothered was Misako, who just kept her eyes out for the pawn shop while occasionally shooting you and Kyoko a strange glance.

It was on the third floor down that things boiled over and Kyoko turned to her best friend with a pleading look.

Kyoko: Misakooooo, my feet hurt.

Misako: Quit whining and keep looking.

Kyoko: how many floors have we gone down? Six? Twelve?

Misako: Three.

Kyoko: Uggghhhh...

You listened to the byplay as it continued down another several floors and couldn't help but be amused, however even then you couldn't help but wonder.

Y/n: Are we sure the pawnshop is even still here?

Suddenly you were left feeling self conscious as both girls stopped and turned to stare at you. Blushing, you hurried to stammer out an explanation.

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