chapter forty-two

Start from the beginning

She looked over to her right where Elyza's unconscious body was. According to Marcel, soon after they had left the battleground with Mikael, she had fainted and was yet to wake. Until...

A gasp propelled Marcel from the dining room table chair. His eyes glanced from Mina to Elyza and gave a sad smile to Bonnie when he realized it was the latter. He sped over to her, helping her up as she did.

"Marcel?" She questioned, her hand flying to her head. "What—"




"Kol?" She called out. This time, she stood except for Marcel stood in her way. "Kol!" She shouted, eager to take her husband into her arms. 

"Elyza?" Rebekah practically flew down the stairs, tackling the girl into a hug. When Elyza pushed her into the wall, forcing her hand to bang against the painting, she gasped. "What the bloody hell?" It wasn't until she raised her hand did she rememeber. Her new body wasn't exactly known in the Mikaelson household just yet.

"Bex?" Elyza questioned, hearing the famous line of her vampire sister-in-law. "I—Listen, where's Kol?" She looked around the room, her eyes trying to find someone else's but they refused to look at her. It wasn't until she looked down at the ground did she change the subject. "What happened to her?" She asked, referring to Mina.

"What happened?" Bonnie started her voice weak. "That's your first question to seeing your dead best friend?"

"Dead?" Elyza asked, before shaking her head. "In transition? Maybe. But certainly not dead."

"What? How?" Bonnie asked but screamed.

"Vampire blood," Elyza shrugged off. "Now, where the fuck is my husband; I won't ask again."

Bonnie, who didn't know where Kol was speaking that it's only been about thirty minutes since everyone got home, didn't answer her and simply looked at Mina's, still unconscious, body in shock. "She's a—"

"I'm so sorry, Elyza."

Those four words silenced everyone yet again. Rebekah and Henrik stood up at attention, both of them searching between Marcel's eyes and Elyza's facial expressions. Even Bonnie, whose focus had solely been on Mina, stood, disbelief flashing across her face. 

"Sorry for what?" Elyza asked, her eyes starting to fill with tears. She backed up a step, scared that if she remained any closer to Marcel, she would have no choice but to accept what was happening. She pushed Rebekah's hand from her shoulder before she stumbled, her hand going to the coffee table for stability.

Bonnie covered her mouth in shock, watching as she saw a side to Elyza she had never seen before.

"No," Elyza tried to laugh, but it came out more like a plea. "No, that's not—Umm... Kol isn't—"

A tear rolled down her cheek.

Bonnie watched as her eyebrows furrowed in confusion while her lips started to twitch in sadness. Her fingers rapidly tapped the outside of her thigh, anxiety flooding her senses. The coffee table beside Bonnie busted into tiny pieces making most people, including Rebekah's human body, flinch.

"Please, Marcel," Elyza smiled, laughing again as more tears rolled down her face. Her laugh ceased as new emotions flooded her, almost succeding in drowning her; It was all too much. "Tell me he isn't gone."

When Marcel dropped his head, Elyza's body fell to the floor. Her hands trembled as she tried to use them to stabilize herself. Her screams and sobs echoed off the wall as the weight of grief tied itself to her organs. She struggled to breathe as she cried and it was almost as if the air itself had turned heavy with sorrow.

She sped up to their room, desperate to feel closer to the man she had spent almost three hundred years with. She reached over to his side of the bed, tears flowing down her eyes as she reached for a shred of comfort only to be denied. For the comfort of his body was now replaced with a cold emptiness, a void that seemed like it could swallow her whole and leave her for centuries.

She fell to her knees beside his side of the bed. Her head dropped as she clutched his pillow to her chest, her heart calling out for the faint scent of him that lingered, obviously unwilling to let go of the last remaining part of him. "Please, baby. You promised me forever." 


I did cry. 

small update to hold you guys over. go read my message board.

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