Chapter 1: The Tragic News

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Time: 7:55

Location: JCJenson Mothership

The scouting ship landed in the mothership's landing bay. 5 figures came out of the ship and down the ramp. Two were the worker drone pilots who had stretched their metal arms before heading to the regeneration wing.

The other three were squad Omega, which when it came to ranking, it wasn't the worst squad though it wasn't the best. Serial Designation G, T and A all walked down the ramp onto the hanger.

A: I n-never want to do t-t-that again.

T turned to look at A with a concerned look.

T: Do what again?

A: G-going to that f-f-frozen planet was the w-worst one I've been to. I hated how c-cold it was. It felt like my b-body was going to freeze.

A grabbed her neck trying to warm it. (Takes place before T gave her the cowl) G looks at her.

G: Sorry A, company's orders. We both know you hate the cold though there's nothing I can do to help you if we're sent to another ice ball.

T: G give her a break, we all can agree that Gothic-15 was far colder than we ever expected.

G: 'Sigh' Whatever I'm going to the social area, wanna come?

T: Actually me and A have other plans right love?

His question broke A out of her trance as she was still trying to warm her neck.

A: Huh? O-oh yeah right, s-sorry G.

G: Heh, no worries, I know what you mean by 'other plans'. Anyway catch ya later.

With that G left the hanger and headed towards the social area. T walked up to A before heating up his metal hands and putting them lightly around A's neck.

T: Geez it's always your neck that's cold cutie. You better stop letting it freeze or else I won't have any warmth left in me.

A looks away with a blush on her face.

A: Pumpkin I c-can't help it. I-it just comes...a-and goes. I-it's j-just so...irritating.

T: Don't worry about it, we'll find a solution to this okay?

A slowly wrapped her arms around T's waist.

A: J-Just shut up and p-promise me y-y-you'll find one...r-right?

T: Would I ever break a promise with you?

Before A could respond, a transmission came over the speakers startling her.

The Speakers: All Disassembly Drones, please go to the social room for an important announcement. This is mandatory.

T: I guess We are going to the social area after all.

A: R-right. Guess we'll s-save our...plans f-for later.

The duo then walked down the hallway towards the social area. A holded T's hand the entire walk there.

The social area was a big room with walls painted like they were from a daycare, cause that's kinda what the social area is, a place for the disassembly drones to hang out for the day and be fed and taken care of until there next mission.

However the room now had seats in rows with the Disassembly Drones filling up the chairs. As if it was luck, T spotted two free seats next to G. He and A went and sat down next to G. A silently started fidgeting with her hands.

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