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Today was a lazy day for Jayde, it was friday and she didn't have to work today so she had been at home resting with Lennon who unfortunately had a small cold

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Today was a lazy day for Jayde, it was friday and she didn't have to work today so she had been at home resting with Lennon who unfortunately had a small cold. She did go grocery shopping a little earlier and went to the pharmacy close to their house to pick up infant cold medicine for her three month old.

Jack was at the studio with Clay and Urban but every hour or so he called Jayde, checking up on her and Lennon. The phone calls lasted about ten minutes before Jack got back to work on his music.

Sabrina was supposed to be coming by soon to hang out which Jayde didn't mind at all. Of course she loved spending time with her daughter but she felt bored and lonely when she takes her naps & Jack wasn't there to keep her company after. But currently, Lennon was up and 'watching' tv with Jayde.

"I don't know about you, but I like this show," Jayde says, looking over to Lennon who wasn't really paying attention at all.

"You don't look too interested. Maybe you don't like it," Jayde says, grabbing the remote that was right next to her and turning off the show she was watching.

Jayde went to the children's genre and clicked through a few of them, all but three of the shoes didn't look that interesting so she ended up turning on Doc McStuffins.

"The doc is in and she'll fix you up, if you're a toy then you're in luck. It's okay, don't be afraid the doc really knows her stuff!" Jayde sings, moving Lennon to her lap and playing with her arms.

"Do, do, do, you know it's good for you! The Doc is gonna help you feel better! oh, oh, oh, it's the place to go when you feel a little under the weather," Jayde tickles Lennon's stomach a little, making her smile just a tiny bit.

"let doc mcstuffins do her thing, to get you right back in the swing. doc mcstuffins, doc mcstuffins! come let the visit begin, the doc is in!" Jayde finishes as the theme song finishes as well.

Yes, Jayde was a child at heart but that was something everyone already knew. It was even more noticeable after Jayde was born. She loved watching baby shows and cartoons with her daughter, even if she didn't actually know what exactly was going on.

Halfway throughout the show, there was knocking on the door by someone who could only be Sabrina. Her guess was correct when the lock was turned and in walked Sabrina with a pizza box in her hand. A large pizza box to be exact.

"Your favorite sister has arrived and I brought pizza," Sabrina says, shutting the door behind her and kicking her shoes off.

"Aww, you're watching disney jr. without me? I thought we were closer than that," Sabrina says, fake pouting as her eyes land on the cartoon on the tv.

"Lenny wasn't liking what I was watching so I decided on watching something for kids," Jayde says, shrugging a little.

She picked willow up, careful not to startle her so she wouldn't start crying, and walked into the kitchen. Sabrina had got pepperoni and cheese pizza because Jayde liked cheese and even though he could easily pick them off, Sabrina was better off just getting half and half.

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