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Jayde was now twenty - four weeks into her pregnancy which meant she was six months and halfway done with it

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Jayde was now twenty - four weeks into her pregnancy which meant she was six months and halfway done with it. Everything had been going okay for the most part, she had been staying hydrated like her doctor had told her and Jack had been making sure that she did as well.

Over the last two weeks she had been staying with Jack at his place just because she didn't like being  alone at her apartment anymore and Jack wanted to be able to watch her more closely. They had been getting even closer since she had been staying with him and neither of them had a problem with it.

Jayde loved Jack's company even though he annoyed her from sun up to sun down he was still fun to be around and he did whatever she wanted. Jack just wanted to be there for her and their baby as much as he could and he adored the mother of his child so of course he loved her being around.

"This is how your ass got pregnant in the first place, get off of me before you start something you know you won't be able to handle," Jack says, smirking at Jayde who was on top of him straddling his waist.

"Shut up, Jackman," Jayde says, rolling her eyes but there was a smile on her face. "I'm comfortable like this,"

"Come on, get up," Jack says, sitting up on his bed. "Didn't you wanna go do some Christmas shopping shit today anyways?"

"Oh yeah I did, thanks for reminding me," Jayde says. "Can I have a kiss before I get up?" She asks, smiling.

Jack rolls his eyes but kisses her and they stay like that for a few minutes before Jack stops it because he knew if they went any longer they wouldn't be leaving his bed at all. Jayde had wanted to go Christmas shopping because Christmas was in twenty days and she hadn't gotten anyone's gifts yet.

Also she usually decorated her apartment for Christmas but since she was staying with Jack she wanted to decorate his place which he was against but did she care? No, not really.

Jayde finally got out of the bed and went into Jack's closet, going into the bin of her clothes to find something to wear. It was cold outside and most of the clothes she had wasn't weather appropriate so she just decided on just wearing Jack's clothes. It was also because they were comfortable too and she didn't feel like being uncomfortable all day.

Jayde grabbed her phone off of Jack's nightstand and walked downstairs where Jack already was waiting on her. She slipped her crocs on they left and went to his car.

"Can we go to Walmart?" Jayde asks as Jack pulls out of the neighborhood.

"What you gotta get from Walmart? Better not be my gift," Jack says, causing Jayde to roll her eyes.

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