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[ chapter four ]

It was close to three a

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It was close to three a.m. when Jayde woke up for no reason, causing her to unable to go back to sleep. She knew Jack was awake because she could hear him microwaving something and she also heard him rapping a few of his lyrics to himself, something she noticed he did often. She didn't go out of her room for about twenty minutes, she just laid in bed until she got up to use the bathroom.

Jack was still in the kitchen when she walked out but she didn't say anything to him, she just walked into the bathroom and did what she needed to do. When she came out Jack was no longer in the kitchen but laying on the pullout couch eating pizza rolls with damn near half the bowl covered in ranch.

Jayde debated on whether or not she should talk to Jack or go back into her room for at least five minutes before finally deciding and walking over to the couch. She sat down on the empty space next to Jack, crossing her legs.

"Hey, Jack," Jayde says, sending a small smile to the older Harlow.

"Wassup," Jack says, putting a pizza roll in his mouth while scrolling through his phone.

"I'm sorry," Jayde says and that caused Jack to turn his phone off, suddenly interested in what the girl had to say.

"About?" Jack asks.

"You know, earlier?" Jayde says.

"It's cool, Jay. I ain't worried about it no more," Jack says but Jayde Jack long enough to know he was lying straight through his teeth.

"Stop lying, Jack. If you want to talk, let's talk. Neither of us are going to sleep anytime soon," Jayde says.

Jack nodded and sat up on the couch, putting the now empty bowl on the mantle that was right next to him. Jayde wasn't gonna lie, being this close with Jack was making her nervous, in both a good way and a bad way.

"Did you feel anything that night? Please just be honest with me, Jayde," Jack says, attempting to search Jayde's eyes for something, anything.

Kiearra couldn't say she didn't because she did. Even if she didn't want to. "I did feel something,"

"So why are you tryna act like nothing happened?" He asks.

"Because Jack, nothing should've happened. How many times do I have to tell you that?" Jayde says.

"But it did, Jayde. We slept together and like I said earlier, it wasn't like we were drunk off our asses. We were both sober and neither of us stopped it from happening," Jack says, now whispering because on the other side of the living room Clay was stirring in his sleep.

Jayde didn't want to risk him waking up and overhearing the conversation so she got up from the couch and started heading to her room.

"Are you coming or not?" She says, stopping at her door.

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