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Three hours later it was now four - twenty in the afternoon and Jayde was laying in her hospital bed

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Three hours later it was now four - twenty in the afternoon and Jayde was laying in her hospital bed. Laying on her back made her uncomfortable so she was lying on her side, eating ice from a small cup she was given by her nurse.

Sabrina had came to the hospital about an hour after Jayde had gotten situated. Jayde was thankful her sister had came because she was tired of looking at Jack and Clay's faces and hearing them once again arguing over what the baby's gender was.

Lauryn would be coming up later after her work shift was over. She wanted to call off early and come up just in case anything happened but Jayde convinced her to stay at work because she doubted the baby would be coming anytime soon.

The rest of their friends and family were notified about her being in labor and so both Jack and Jayde's phones were blowing up with congratulations and everyone wanting updates. Jayde got annoyed with it all and so she put her phone on do not disturb for the time being.

"Jack," Jayde says, gaining Jack's attention from his phone.

"Yeah, Baby?" Jack replies, "Is something wrong?"

"No, No, everything is fine. I'm just bored and hungry and the baby is moving a lot," Jayde says, setting the cup of ice down on the tray on the other side of the bed.

"I can go down to the vending machine and see if they have any snacks for you?" Jack suggested. "I know you hate hospital food,"

"That would be nice, thank you," Jayde says, groaning a little when she moved around so she could sit up. The position she was lying in was now uncomfortable with how much the baby was starting to move.

"I'll be right back,"  Jack says, kissing Jayde's forehead and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Jayde got off of the bed, holding onto the sides for support, and walked over to the large hospital window, watching the world go on outside. She managed to get herself on top of the little ledge part and backed up against the wall. She unconsciously placed her hands on top of her belly, rubbing her hands over it.

"I love you, baby. I really do. I love you so so much my honey," Jayde says, looking down at her belly. "I promise to love you and protect you from everything, as much as I can,"

Sabrina had came back into the room after leaving because she had forgotten something in her car and walked back in with Jack and Clay. Jack had a bag full of snacks and Clay had a McDonald's bag which Jayde could only hope was for her — it was.

"You are lucky that you're my best friend and you're about to have my nephew or I wouldn't have turned around and went to get you food when I had just got back here," Clay says, putting the bag on the tray.

"Thank youu Clay Clay," Jayde smiles, getting the fries out of the bag and stuffing some in her mouth.

"I got you snacks too," Jack says.

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