XXVI- the showcase

Start from the beginning

"You were amazing." Aaron praised with a soft smile on his lips as he put his hand on her forearm. "How are you feeling? You must be thirsty, right?"

(Y/n) chuckled, stretching her body and shaking off the last thrills of her performance. "I'm fine. Thanks, Aaron. You were so good back there!"

Heat rose to Aaron's cheeks at her praise. Aaron knew he was good, he hadn't landed the solo out of pure luck. Still, hearing it from (Y/n) was something else entirely. He ached for her to praise him again, about anything.

She didn't though, and instead turned to Adam as said boy gently tapped her on the shoulder. That was the first time Aaron saw his friend so shy. This must be the moment Adam had chosen to confess to (Y/n).

Aaron couldn't wait for her to reject him. Because she would, right? There was no way (Y/n) could be in love with Adam. No. Way.

"(Y/n)? I- Can I talk to you for a minute?" Adam said with a shy smile.

Of course (Y/n) accepted, although not without a hint of curiosity on her features. Her confusion only grew as Adam took her hand and led her away from Aaron and out of sight. She wondered what could be so private for Adam to lead her so far away from other students.

For a split second her gaze met Esme's. Said girl looked terrified, something that didn't help to soothe (Y/n)'s growing anxiety.

The two of them were now standing in an isolated corridor that led to the changing rooms. (Y/n) rubbed her arms, feeling awfully exposed alone with Adam, the silence around them stiffening.

If this had been anyone other than Adam (Y/n) would have probably ran away by now, scared out of her mind at the idea of being alone with a man. But Adam was her friend, and they'd been alone plenty of times during their rehearsals. She'd grown used to his presence.

Still, as she patiently waited for him to speak, Esme's words made a resurgence in (Y/n)'s mind.

But surely, this was just (Y/n)'s mind being paranoid, wasn't it? Adam couldn't possibly have feelings for her, much less be the psycho Esme had warned her about, right?

Yes, (Y/n) was probably worrying over nothing. Adam probably just wanted to congratulate her on their finished dance. However the more (Y/n) looked at Adam and the blush dusting his cheeks, the more her nerves tingled with apprehension and anxiety.

Adam cleared his throat, taking (Y/n)'s hands in his and holding them up to his chest, failing to notice the way she flinched at the sudden contact.

"I'm sorry for bringing you all the way out here. I just wanted this moment to be just us." He said, his words only heightening (Y/n)'s concern over what was coming next. And when Adam's eyes met hers, full of nothing but love and adoration, (Y/n) knew she was fucked.

"Wait, Adam-" She tried to stop him, only for him to interrupt her, alarm clear on his features.

"No! Please! Let me be the one to do this." He said, tightening his hold on her hands. As much as the idea of (Y/n) making the first step had his heart fluttering in his chest, Adam couldn't let his darling be the one to confess first! No, he had to do it.

And as Adam inhaled deeply to prepare his next words, (Y/n)'s breath caught in her throat.

"From the very moment I saw you, I knew it was you and that it had always been you." He started, his voice shaking as he carried on, bursting to the brim with pent up adoration. "And I'm sorry for not confessing earlier, I know I should have! But I wanted to give you time and-"

"Adam. Please, stop." (Y/n) cut him off, more firmly this time, her voice cold and unflinching. She couldn't let him continue, she just couldn't. Not when she knew where this was going.

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