Chapter 31

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An hour after the ninjas got Harumi back to peacefully sleeping, they began to have yet another meeting."Do you think what she was having was just a bad dream?"Questioned Pixal."Maybe. Hopefully she will be better in the morning."Said Cole. Skylor bit her lip, something she didn't do unless she was thinking hard or something was bothering her. Kai notice and was immediately was concern."Sky? Is everything alright?"He asked her, walking towards her."Yeah. And this might not mean something. She could have been a nightmare....But a side of me tells me it isn't."Skylor said."What do you mean?"Asked Nya. Skylor sighed."When my father was planning the torments, he went into looking in every element master, and element. Including the elements that haven't found there master. That includes you Nya, and some other people."Skylor began to explain."That's great and all, but what does that have to do with Harumi? It's not like she's an elemental master!"Exclaimed Cole."Yeah! What's the odds in that?"Asked Jay.

"Logically, you guys are right. But....You all know that she kind of.....Died?"Skylor asked."So, you think that she gained her power just because she died and then came back? That's......Something."Said Kai."I know it's a long shot. But do you think that if it was just a nightmare, then she would tell us at all? No, Harumi is way too stubborn for that, like Lloyd. And besides, I think there is something she isn't telling us. Either on purpose or she was just too freaked out to choke the words out."Said Skylor."It could be possible? I don't know Sky. I mean, we've been through some crazy stuff, so I can't really tell you it's crazy."Said Nya."And what are her powers? See people suffering or dying?"Asked Cole.

"The element I remember my father mentioning was death. One of the things it can do is if someone is put through suffering in some sort of sleep or if they are dying, then they can see them and talk to them. They can also talk to the dead who have already passed to the Departed Realm."Explained Skylor."Well, THAT'S depressing!"Exclaimed Jay. Skylor nodded."It really is. I thought that there would never be someone who could handle that.....But maybe I was wrong."Said Skylor sadly, closing her eyes.  Skylor felt a warm touch, she slowly opened her eyes to see it was her boyfriend's warm touch with a warm and comforting smile.

"So, just to be clear....Harumi is the elemental master of....Death?"Pixal asked carefully."That's my guess. But I don't know if it's right. It could have been a dream like you guys think, but a side of me says it's not...."Said Skylor."So, what happens now?"Asked Cole. But nobody answers. 

At first, it was simple. They were going to risk their lives to save Lloyd, but now? They didn't know what to think or do. On the bright side, Harumi could talk to Lloyd and be with him. Everyone knew by now, Harumi and Lloyd understood each other more than anyone could understand either one of them. But what if this was all a dream? And even if she did have these death powers, she doesn't know how to control them. And whatever she saw freaked her out like hell. They were silent, all of them thinking hard. Each option was 50-50. They wanted Lloyd back, but what if they sent Harumi in there and she would never return?"I'd say we sleep on it, if we can get any sleep."Mumbled Kai. They all nodded, and retreated to their rooms. But what they didn't know, was that Harumi had heard almost their whole conversation.

".....I have a power?"Harumi whispered, as she pressed her hand on the door. Harumi backed up further away from the door. Death? What kind of element was that? And like Jay said, it was an awfully depressing one. And could it be true that she could talk to Lloyd? To be with him? To hold him? And talk with her parents? But could she control it? And this just came to her because she died? And how did any of this work? Wait, it had happened before. She reminded herself. Yes. When she was thinking about what was happening, she was too useless to do anything. And she had closed her eyes, or more like her eyes had closed by itself. Or so it seemed. She then sat on her bed, criss cross apple suace. 

She then closed her eyes, and thought about Lloyd. His smile, his charm, his way of making anyone feel good about themselves, his pure heart that was made of gold, his foolishness, his dorkyness, but most of all....His love. His love for anyone and everyone. Even to someone as cruel as her......Or the old her. And then, like a light switch, she was pulled from reality itself, and into the darkness that she was once in, only now she wasn't going to save herself. She was going to save Lloyd. Whatever it took.

Harumi opened her eyes, and gasped. She was standing, everything around her was pure darkness and hatred. The two things she hated most now. She was standing on what seemed to be a dark black lake, only she wasn't wet."Lloyd?"She called out."Lloyd!"She called out again, only louder."Freak. Monster. Son of Garmadon. Worthless. Failure."She heard faint, but strong and dark."Lloyd!"Harumi cried out.  She then quickly ran, as she ran, the voices began to pick on her."Quiet One. Monster. Murder."It taunted her. But this time, she paid no mind. She just needed to get to Lloyd before the voices got to him......Got to his darkness....It had got to him before. She brought him back once, but she didn't know if she could do it again.

"Lloyd!"She yelled. She had finally spotted him. These black figures were surrounding him. Her yelling had drawn their attention, that was good and bad."Oh...Right."She whispered. She took a deep breath, and then began charging at them. 

One had a blade that took her liking. That one came charging at her at first, with the other following. A few stayed back to taunt Lloyd. The one with the blade, went to stab her, but missed. She grabbed onto the blade, tugged, and kicked the figure in the guts(If it even had guts) Surprisingly, it let go, but it didn't give up without a fight."You all have been haunting me ever since I came back. Your words. But I now know that the past is the past....I am not ready to forgive myself....But I will not let you control me anymore!"Harumi yelled. She then began to attack more aggressivly than ever. They soon began to grow weak, for one reason: Her belief that she could get out of here with Lloyd and her belief in herself. They were not defeated, she knew that. She knew they would come back, but she hoped that wouldn't be for a long time."Lloyd! Are you okay?"She asked him."Yes."He answered blankly."Great! I am here for you! I will bring you home!"She said with pure joy."No. Don't do that."He said."What?! WHy not?!"She demanded."I don't deserve it."He said. It was then when she noticed his eyes. They were a mix of purple and black.

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