Chapter 25

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"Come on, we better get you clean up."She said, backing away with a smile. She led Lloyd to the bathroom, sat him down, and began to heal his wound."Wow. You really gave that mirror a fight."She said, in a joking voice. Lloyd didn't say anything, he seemed to be lost in thought."I meant every word."She said."How do I know?"He asked."You don't."She replied sadly. When she finished, she gently patted it. Harumi saw Lloyd's eyes widen, she then turned around to see Basha."How did....?"He asked."When I went to look for you, I found Basha."She said."Basha? Ypu named the cat?"He asked.

"Yeah. And you wanna know what the strange thing is? Well, I don't have to tell, when I can show you."She said, getting up, picking up Basha, she then showed Lloyd Basha's collar."This has to be some sort of prank."He stated, looking right at her. Harumi just shook her head."Maybe this is a sign."She said."A sign? Excuse me?"He asked."That maybe we need a cat?"She suggested."A cat. Really?"He questioned her."Yeah! Maybe this cat will keep us out of trouble."She said."A cat? Harumi, I have faced countless villains, some more beautiful than others..."He said, winking at her. She rolled her eyes.

"I have faced death and my friends are suffering. I mean, I could go on....And you, think a CAT can protect us?!"He exclaimed."It's....Um worth a shot? And a dog could protect us, so why not a cat?"She asked."Because cats are stupid, and dogs are stronger."He stated."That's so not true!"She defended."Dogs are body guards, and cats? They yak up hairy balls, they meow when it's time to sleep-"Dogs bark 24/7."She pointed out.

"I am just saying, that dogs are just simply better."He said."Careful, green ninja. I wouldn't want something bad to happen to you just because of some words that come out of your mouth, that you certainly didn't mean."She said, trying to sound British and dangerous. Lloyd howls of laughter."What?!"She demanded."Why?!"He asked."Why what?!"She cried out."Your voice....You are definitely not made to be British!"He exclaimed."Like you could do better."She pouted, crossing her arms."I could, miss Jade."He said, trying out the British voice. It was Harumi's turn to howls of laughter. Which Lloyd soon joined. They were both really surprised that they didn't wake up the others.

"Okay, I think that's good."She said."So are we going to talk about i-"Lloyd was cut off once again by Harumi kissing him. When she pulled away she saw that he was madly blushing."Let's worry about all the stuff that says we can't be together. Just for tonight. This will be a one time thing."She said."Okay, two times thing."She said, remembering what happened a few weeks back."Unless you have a problem with that?"She asked, rather sweetly."Why would I? If it's only for tonight."He said, rather sweetly back. They both grinned, and for the third time tonight, they locked each other in a deep, and rather long kiss.

Harumi carried Lloyd back to their room."You know I could have-"Shut it, greenie."She snapped."Right now, YOU are the dismal in distress!"She teased."Why?"He asked."Because I said so. And I would be caught dead looking helplessly."She said."And it's fine if I look helplessly?"He asked, raising his eyebrow."Yes!"She cried out. Lloyd rolled his eyes."I am so glad the others aren't seeing this."He muttered, shaking his head."If you didn't like it, then why are you-"I protect."He said."Yeah, sure you do."She said, rolling her eyes once more.

Sunlight blazed through the window, shining bright at Harumi's eyes. She yawned loudly."Wow, I had no idea the former princess yawned like a bear."She heard a voice say."Coming from the person who snores louder than a dragon."She pointed out. Lloyd rose up, and made a face."I do not!"He yelled."Well, we will have to check-Oh no!"She cried out."What?"He asked. She then pointed at the cameras. 

Lloyd's eyes widened."We better get rid of it before the others see!"He exclaimed."No, duh!"She exclaimed. Lloyd rolled his eyes."I don't need your sass now, miss Jade."He said, pointing at her. Lloyd then shot the camera with his power."Problem solved!"He said, raising his hand."That was very very very stupid of you."She said."Why?"He asked."In 3....2....1..."She said, pointing at the door.

Then five ninjas came rushing in."That's why."She said."Lloyd! You are okay!"Exclaimed Nya. Nya quickly wrapped him in a hug, which Lloyd gladly returned."What's so bad about this?"He whispered to Harumi."Hey! What happened to the camera?"Asked Cole, pointing to the ruin camera."You were saying?"She whispered back to him. Just then, Kai screamed.

They all quickly turned around to see Kai pointing at Basha."Really, Kai?! You are scared of a dumb cat?!"Demanded Nya, facing her brother with her hands on her hips."He just startled me."Defended Kai."It's a girl."Pointed out Harumi."How do you know?!"Asked Kai."Really, Kai?!"She asked."This old news for us, Harumi. He is scared of water!"Exclaimed Jay."So in that case, he is scared of Nya?"Asked Harumi."Yeah, and Nya is scary sometimes."Admitted Kai, scratching behind his neck. Nya grinned."Thank you, dear brother!"She said with pride. Harumi and Lloyd both chuckled.

"Heyyyy! Why are you both in the same bed...Sitting very close to one another?"Question Jay."Are you guys-"They both shook their heads, and stuck out their tounge at Kai."Kai, it is unbelievable you would even say that!"Exclaimed Lloyd."It's not that unbelievable!"Said Kai."Say what you all want. Me and Lloyd are never getting together. Like ever."Stated Harumi.

"YOU GUYS KISSED?!"Exclaimed Skylor excitedly. A ton of citizens stared at them."SHHHHH! Keep your freaking voice down!"Ordered Harumi, covering her friend's mouth. They were at the mall, and Harumi mistakenly mentioned that she and Lloyd had kissed the other night. Harumi let go of Skylor's mouth."Wow! I cannot believe you guys did it! I guess my talk finally hit you! Do the others know?"Asked Skylor."No! Because we are NOT a couple! God! How many times do I have to say it?!"Demanded Harumi.

"Last time I checked, friends don't kiss."Said Skylor."I know! But we were lost, and we needed to escape....Also we um, kissed more than once."She muttered the last part, already knowing that she was making yet another mistake."YOU GUYS WHAT?!"Skylor screamed excitedly. Harumi covered her mouth once more, and glared at her."Do I need to stop by a store to get duck tape for you?! And I thought Jay was loud!"Harumi exclaimed. Harumi let go of Skylor's mouth once more."Sorry! But just....WOW!"She exclaimed."Llorumi is official!"Declared Skylor."No! Llorumi is not official!"Harumi cried out.

"It totally is! Stop denying it, girl!"Exclaimed Skylor."Trust me, Sky. I want more than anything to be with Lloyd, but I can't. I just can't."She said."Why not? You guys are cute!"Said Skylor."Sky, I bring out the worst in him. The total worst. I want him to be happy all the time. And I just....Don't make him happy."Said Harumi quietly."Wow. You are blind just like bats!"Exclaimed Skylor."Excuse me?!"Demanded Harumi."Don't you see the way he smiles at you? The way he talks? He has been madly in love with you at the first sight, Ru!"She exclaimed.

"At the first sight? Maybe. But now? After all I done to him? After all I done to Ninjago? I am lucky I am not in the grave again, Sky!"Exclaimed Harumi."People make mistakes, Harumi. What's important is that you don't make the same mistakes twice AND that you live life to its fullest."She said, looking at Harumi."Lloyd needs you, Harumi. Like you need him. And if you are too blind to even see THAT....Then maybe you should get your eyes checked out."She snapped.

"I don't know.....Sky..."She said."Well, I do. And I get it if you don't want to take the first step. I didn't either, but I did. And now me and Kai are the hottest couple there is."Said Skylor."Now, ask yourself, Harumi. What do you want to be to Lloyd? An enemy? A friend? Or a lover?"Asked Skylor."Don't answer right away. Think about it."She said.

Garmadon paced back and forth across the room, trying to think what his next move might be. Is this a good thing? That Lloyd had said yes to the darkness? Or was it bad? Would he overpower him? Garmadon bit his lip until he tasted blood. For once he was unsure."Garmadon. We are tired waiting in the shadows. Let us have a little fun with the ninjas. A little fun with your son."Said one of the leaders."Don't ever call him that! He is NOT my son!"Shouted Garmadon."So? What are our orders?"Asked the leader once more."Mmmm. Maybe it is time to step out of the shadows once more. 

But only for a little while. For my plan to work, we need to be careful."He said."What happens if we win?"Asked one of the lower thugs."I had and still have a dream. A dream that I will make Ninjago as my own image! But it has always been stopped...By that rotten green ninja! He has taken everything from me! So, it's time I will return the favor. I want him to feel like everything dear to him is gone! Shattered! With him and the ninjas out of the way, who will be able to stop us?! No one! I will be on top once again, and you will have everything you could have ever wanted. But that is in the future, right now we need to focus on having a little fun, don't you think?"He asked. They all cheered."Get some rest, all of you! Tomorrow, we ride!"He said."Ride to victory!"Shouted one. Yes. This was all going perfectly. Perfectly.

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