Chapter 10

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A few days later,  Harumi found herself wandering around the Monastery, all alone. The ninjas needed to go on a mission, Harumi wanted to come, Lloyd didn't let her. In fact, he had been more over protected than usual. She didn't know why, and she wanted to fight back, saying that she could take care of herself, but she never really got a chance to explore the Monastery. She was either sitting on her bed, thinking how she got here, or hanging out with Skylor, or something else. She just figured that the ninjas would kill her before she got the chance. 

But luckily for her, they didn't. She didn't know where Pixal and master Wu were, maybe at the library. And she was kind of glad that she got the whole place to herself, just felt....Nice. She felt like the monastery was her home. More than the palace was her home. In fact, it wasn't her home at all. This was her home. This is where she belonged.

Harumi walked around the monastery halls. Seeing pictures and memories. Just looking at the photos she could sense their happiness, their joy....Their love for each other. After an hour, she had almost seen all of the rooms. The last place she wanted to check out was the attic. She thought that nothing would be interesting, but that didn't mean that it wasn't worth checking out. She pulled on the little rope, that revealed the staircase. Harumi carefully climbed up the stairs, and when she reached the top, she gasped.

She looked around once more, then blinked. The ninjas didn't store away old stuff and junk, they put small tables, candles, loving things, and a picture of people who had passed away. The first person Harumi saw was a woman with black hair, a cute smile, strong looking, and was very beautiful. She guessed it was Cole's mother. 

Next up were two people, a husband and a wife. The woman had long blonde hair, she was not too tall but wasn't that short, and she had a goofy but sweet smile. The man had short black hair, he was pretty short, and had some weird clothes on."Jay's parents?"She wondered out loud. She gasped when she saw the next little table. It was the FSM! She shouldn't be surprised though, but still. She also saw Garmadon in his human form, but what caught her eye was that the next was.....her. She walked over to the table. The picture was the day she moved in with the ninjas. And there was some writing on it, it said:" I miss you, Harumi. Come back to me."

"Lloyd?"She whispered.On the table there were jade flowers, but also daisy, which was her favorite. She gently touched the petals of the daisy."You remembered."She whispered. There were more photos on the table, some of her and Lloyd, and some of them just her. But what caught her was a letter. She picked it up, and began to read.

"Dear Harumi,

Hey. It's me, Lloyd. Harumi I miss you so much. I was angry at you, but I didn't want you dead. I am not like the others. I can't forget like this never even happened. I can't forget you. I want to though. I want to forget that I hurt you. I think about you everyday since I met you. You are my other half, even if I hate it. Harumi I-"Harumi quickly turned around, and saw Skylor standing there.

"Sky! When did you get here?"She asked."I knew you were going to be alone, so I was just checking on you. Is that the letter?"She asked."You knew?"I asked."He's friends with my boyfriend."She said. Harumi set the letter down."He was crazy about you, you know. And I think he still is."She said, with a smile."I don't know."She whispered. Before Skylor could reply, Harumi was already almost down the stairs. She didn't know if she could go back up there again.

When the ninjas came back, Lloyd could tell something was off about Harumi. When he told the ninjas about it, they said it was nothing. But it didn't seem like nothing. Something was going on. He knocked on the door."Harumi? Can I come in?"He asked."Uh....Yeah!"She said. He opened the door.

"Hey, you okay? You been really quiet, Quiet one."He teased. She then threw a book at his face."I thought I let Lloyd in, not Jay."She said, rudely."Okay, I deserved that. But really, what's wrong?"He asked, gently."Promise you won't be mad?"She asked."Cross my heart and hope to die."He said. She nodded. Lloyd then sat next to her on the bed."I um...went in the attic. I saw the little table of me."She explained. Lloyd gasped sharply.

"You.....You did?"He asked. Harumi nodded."Did-Did you read the letter?"He asked, shaking."Not all of it."She answered. Thank the FSM. Lloyd thought."Lloyd, I did all those terrible things, why in the FSM would you want me to come back?"She asked. They both stared at each other. Because I love you. He wanted to say. But he held himself back."I....I don't know."He lied. Harumi looked away."How do you not know?!"She demanded, still not looking at him."How do you not know why you spared me? Or were you just trying to cover up the truth?"He demanded.

"Look, Lloyd. I don't want to fight. I just want answers!"She said."But I don't know!"He yelled."You don't know?"She asked, it was soft, but disappointed. Harumi put her hand on the bed, and Lloyd put his hand on top of hers. He then whispered something she couldn't make out."I promise I will always protect you."He said."And I will always protect you too. It's only fair."She said. Lloyd smiled at her. And she could tell that it wasn't forced, it was a real smile. Seeing him smile like this made her smile warmly."You...uh better get some sleep. I am sure you had a long day."He said. 

She shook her head."How about we both get to sleep? And when was the last time you had a good night's sleep?"She asked him."Um...It's been awhile."He said, scratching the back of his head."Uh....Harumi?"He asked."Yes, Lloyd?"She asked. God, even when she's tired she is beautiful. He thought."You um, could sleep with me, I mean if you want to. You don't have to. I am not forcing you or whatever. I just think-"He stopped when he heard her giggling.

"Okay, but just for tonight."She said."Yep! And it's not going to happen ever again!"He exclaimed. He could feel his cheeks going red. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! And why did you even offer that?! Are you stupid?! She might take it as a chance to-"Are you okay, Lloyd?"She asked."Oh yeah!"He replied too quickly. A few minutes of silent went by, then they both fell asleep.

The next morning, Kai wanted a video game back that Lloyd still has, but he didn't see him all morning. He might be in his room, just doing nothing again. Kai thought. Kai opened the door."Hey, Lloyd! Can I have-"He stopped when he saw Lloyd and Harumi sleeping in the same bed! And they were holding hands. Kai made a gag, and said:"I am going to call the police before hand and report a murder of two teenagers."He said, shaking his hand."Guys! We better hold back Nya!"He shouted. 

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