Chapter 29

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Garmadon glanced at the door, which was now shut and locked. This demon boy was making a grave mistake. Thought Garmadon."I am not making a mistake, Garmadon. You are, though."Lloyd replied, as if he was reading Garmadon's mind."I can tell by the look on your face. But I am not the weakling boy you once saw. Once loved."Said the demon boy."Once loved?! I never loved you!"Exclaimed Garmadon."You may have not. But the Garmadon that is in the Departed Realm did. You can deny that all you want, but deep down you know that's true. And your greatest fear is that you will turn out just like him."Said the demon boy."So good and pure. And loving."He added.

"My fear is staring at your disappointing face any longer!"Snapped Garmadon. Lloyd smirked."That's the Garmadon I want. I want to fight. I want to kill."He said, scratching it with his long black nails."I wanted to help your dark fear to come true, but I guess you already made it."Said Garmadon. The demon boy cackled, while Garmadon just stared at him. Stared at"You......Think that you are the villain, my greatest and most feared enemy? Well, you were. And you were my father. When I was young and stupid. But you aren't anymore."He said, when he stopped cackling. He started to walk where the table had weapons, and with his other hand, he touched a few, felt its sharp blade."But every story has to have a villain. Like it has to have its pure hero. Your time is done, old man. It is now my time to shine...Or should I say darken?"He asked. 

He looked at Garmadon, and chuckled."You have no power over me, fallen Lord of Darkness."He stated. Garmadon was about to speak, but was cut off by that demon boy."Before you came back, I was told countless times that if you were brought back, you would not be the man I recognize. That you would be a different man. And they were right. I knew that, but I did the most foolish thing a person can do...."He said, closing his eyes."I hoped. I hoped that I could save you."He said opening his eyes."But I was wrong."He said. He then chuckled."So wrong."He added."But that was then. This is now. Now, I am the man that you do not recognize! That I am now your greatest fear!"He exclaimed.

 Garmadon took a step back."You don't want to do this."He whispered."Oh, but I do. You said that every boy must become a man. What sort of man, is up to him. You remember that, don't you?"He asked. Garmadon didn't look at him for a moment, then he did, and stared right into the demon's eyes."Oh...You do. I can feel it. I can taste your fear of me."He said, licking his lips once more."I have no fear of you!"Cried out Garmadon. The demon boy chuckled."Well, this is the man I want to become! Oh...I mean...Oni."He said, grinning. Garmadon then grinned."You are a monster. Like me, Lloyd Garmadon."He said. The boy cackled again."Like you? No, no, no, no! I am more twisted and evil than you could ever dream of, lord Garmadon. For me, hold both dragon and oni power. You, own only one."He pointed out.

"That may be. But you, are too soft to be more twisted and evil than me. Let alone more than me."Said Garmadon. He chuckled once again."Oh really? Let's find out."He said. And with that, he pointed his sword at Garmadon, and began to attack him.

Garmadon screamed as the fresh blade was stabbed in his side. The demon grinned, and pulled it out. Garmadon was now on his knees, holding his bleeding side."You didn't even last 5 minutes! Weak!"Taunted the demon boy."Weak I may be now, but once I am done with you, you will feel the pain! And so will Harumi!"He screamed. The demon stepped back at the sound of the girl's name. Garmadon grunted, and then grinned."Aw. You still care for her don't you?"He taunted, sounding a bit weak.

"I have NO care for that stupid girl!"The demon yelled."Oh really? Because from the very start, I did not just want to get revenge on you, but also on her. Who do you think made her faint when you two were at Borg Tower?"He questioned."You.....What?"The demon said faintly. Garmadon chuckled."But that was only the beginning of my plan. You have also got a taste of what I am going to do to her, if the ninjas handed her over to me, she would have been long gone now. And you would have failed her...Once again."He said.

"I did not fail her!"He yelled. Garmadon coughed, wanting Lloyd to come closer. He did, and that was a grave mistake on his part."You are nothing!"He yelled at Garmadon. Garmadon chuckled as he stabbed Lloyd in the guts."No. But you will be soon enough."He coldly. The demon backed up, holding the knife that was stabbed, he then slid down against the wall, and groaned. Garmadon whispered a few magical words-Abracadabra! His skin seemed to heal itself, he began to feel stronger and powerful once again. He chuckled, and looked at his nails. Then, he looked at that weakling of a boy laying there, bleeding even more. Purple magic surrounded the boy, and soon, he returned to normal, looking even more weak and bloody than before. Garmadon grinned. 

He then walked over to him, and bent down to Lloyd's height."You were strong. And I will admit that I got chills when you said the trap thing. Your oni powers are strong too. But at the same time, they are weak. At least for now."He said."What are y-y-you t-talking a-a-about? I am d-dying!"He stuttered."If I wanted to kill you, believe I would. But I didn't. That blade that is stabbed in you isn't the strongest. But when you lose vision you will be taken to the place like the mirrors, but worse."Said Garmadon, still grinning."But don't worry, you will still live."He added."Lucky me."Lloyd muttered."Oh yes. You are lucky."He said. Then, Garmadon started to see something he used to sing to Lloyd when he was a baby.

Hush, little baby, don't say a word.
Dada's gonna buy you a Mockingbird.
And if that mockingbird won't sing,
Dada's gonna buy you a diamond ring.
And if that diamond ring turns brass,
Dada's gonna buy you a looking glass.
And if that looking glass gets broke,
Dada's gonna buy you a billy goat.
And if that billy goat won't pull,
Dada's gonna buy you a cart and bull.
And if that cart and bull turn over,
Dada's gonna buy you a horse and cart.
And if that horse and cart fall down,
You'll still be the sweetest baby in town

Lloyd tried to do everything in his power to stay awake, but in the end, Garmadon won this battle. Once Lloyd's eyes had completely gone shut, Garmadon hummed the song again, began to lift him up, and took Lloyd to his room. Once he had gotten there, he laid Lloyd on his bed, and chained him to it. Lloyd's face began to turn pale, and from the looks of it, he was trying to scream, but didn't have the power to do so. Garmadon grinned even wider, which he didn't think was possible, but it was. He then stepped outside of a throne, in the view, was a large arena. Garmadon took a deep breath, and chuckled once more."Let the battle between father and son begin once again. And this time, the father will win. Evil will win."He said. He laughed loudly and sinisterly into the sky. 

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