Chapter Twenty-one

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The awaited time finally came as Shomer said," Khali, your answers during the test weren't bad, although you were quite annoying. Plus, It seem you have a good intuitive memory," Shomer said sarcastically, looking at Razal and laughing. Razal laughed too, and then Khali joined in.

"Well, I don't have much to say. You really did well on the test," Shomer continued after laughing. "I like what you said about eradicating poverty if you could change one thing about the world. I agree that there would be lots of good things going on if that could happen. I also like the answer you gave when My lord here asked you If you had to choose between fame over obscurity and fortune over happiness, which would you choose? Your answer was remarkable and I agree with it. If I remember correctly, you said Fame is overrated and fleeting. And while happiness is important, it doesn't have to come from wealth or fame. You then said true happiness comes from within. It comes from being content with what you have, from living a life of obscurity and being at peace with yourself. And fortune can be a source of happiness too, if used wisely. You do have a good heart," Shomer said, smiling. "I think it's high time my lord gave the final judgement," Shomer concluded.

Having heard all that, Khali became extremely happy.

"So, I passed the test. Now, It's left for me to confirm it through his judgement," Khali thought, staring at Razal.

"Shomer, you did well in judging him. Now, it's my turn," Razal said as his gaze met Khali's gaze.

Razal coughed calmly before speaking.

"Um, I will have to say this, I don't actually have much to say. I agree with Shomer's judgement and with that, I want you to follow him to your merited door," Razal said with gentleness.

Hearing this, Khali could not withstand the gladness in his heart.

"So, it's confirmed. I passed the test and my fate is going to be changed," he thought, smiling.

As Khali was about to follow Shomer, Razal stopped him on the track by saying, "Wait! Before you go, I have something to say," then he paused and glanced at Shomer. Suddenly, both of them began laughing out loud.

Khali, watching them laughing, was astonished. But he soon joined them laughing, although he didn't know why they were laughing. After somewhile, the laughter stopped.

"Your memory must be very short. Have you forgotten? I told you during the test that I will judge whether you're good or not when I'm passing judgment on you," Razal said, seriously.

Hearing that, Khali became confused and started to wonder what Razal was about to say about him being good or bad.

"Does the name Jaime ring a bell to you?" Razal then asked.
"Yes, I know several people with that name," Khali replied.
"Oops, my bad, I was supposed to add his surname. Again, does Jaime Jack ring a bell?" Razal asked again.

This time around, Khali felt paralyzed hearing the name. He became devastated and became mute.

"Your silence says yes. I know you thought your answers to the test questions were flawless, but it's so unfortunate that one thing could change everything. Giving you the impression that you passed the test was all part of Shomer's and my plan. Your ability to forget something heinous you did in the past is commendable but now that ability has led to failure against me, the almighty Razal. Now, you shall say before me, Shomer, and the two other men there what you did in your past," Razal said.

Tears began to flow down from Khali's cheek rapidly. He tried to say something, but his mouth began to tremble.

"We're all waiting for you," Razal then said.

With that, Khali mind flashed back as he began to narrate what he did in the past.

"Jaime Jack was a white dude in his mid 20's who was barely known in our neighborhood back in Florida. I was the only one who saw him often because I was his errand boy, who he sometimes bullied, and I guess it was because of the color of my skin. He usually wore a black hoodie that covered his face. He made himself invisible to people, excluding me. Everything about him was just too creepy. Every day after school, as I was still in high school, I usually went to meet him in his hidden place, where he sent me on errands. I could never disobey him, because I was so scared of him and hated him so much too. The thought of him being dead started appearing in my head, until one day, some men dressed in black suits came to our neighborhood. They went from house to house asking people whether they had seen Jaime Jack and whether they knew where he was staying. Then, the day came when they knocked on our door and it was the weekend. My parents and siblings were not home at that moment. At that time, I was only 14 years old. I was in my room watching TV when they knocked. I went to the door and opened it. I saw the men and they asked me if I had seen Jaime Jack before. I paused before answering them. I could sense the gangster vibe from them. I felt something strange about the men, and they claimed that Jaime Jack was a part of their organization. They said he had suddenly disappeared on them, and for some unknown reason.
I had a very strong feeling that they were lying to me. I thought that the situation was working out well for me, since I wanted Jaime Jack out of my life. So, I told them I knew about Jaime Jack but didn't know his address. Then one of the men gave me a card that had his number on it. He told me to find out where Jaime Jack was staying and then give them the information. In exchange, he would give me a thousand dollars. I became happier. I thought that if he got killed, it would be a double win for me. With that, I took the card, and they left.
It took me two days of watching his movements to figure out where he was staying. I used believable excuses to skip school while I did this. I finally figured out where he was staying.
Once I knew where he was staying, I called the number the man had given me. I told them where they could find Jaime Jack. The next morning, as I was leaving school, I saw one of the men sitting in a car close to the school. He handed me a thousand dollars through the car window and told me that I had done well.
The next day, I didn't get any texts from Jaime Jack as it was Thursday. Before I knew it, I hadn't heard from him for a week, and I was happy about that inside. I assumed he was probably dead, until a week later, when I confirmed it from a friend who lived not very far from his house. That friend told me that he was found dead in his apartment on Tuesday, the same day I gave out his house address to the men. The police interrogated me because someone reported that they had seen me with Jaime Jack. I denied knowing anything that could have connected to his death. I was glad he was dead, and soon after, I decided to lock the memory away, so that I would never remember it. It took me a long time, but I eventually forgot about it," Khali concluded.

After hearing what Khali said, the two men were dumbfounded while Razal and Shomer kept a neutral face because they already knew.

Razal broke the silence in the room.

"You see, this shows that you're a bad person. For you to be able to bury such a thing in your head, it shows how dangerous you could be to others, and that's why you suffered such ill fate. If you had shown remorse and a sign of regret and repentance for what you did in the past, I don't think we'd be talking like this now," Razal said and paused. "Of all the men, you're the first to have a black and red fate, and you'll enter through the door that has that color," Razal continued. "You came through a portal that breathed hope and opportunity, but now, you will leave through a door that breathes failure and disappointment. Now, go."

With that, Khali, who was already dead mentally, followed Shomer to his designated door, which was colored black and red.

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