Chapter Two: Part 2

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Khali James

After 28 minutes of driving, Khali finally arrived at the University of Kansas. Some ladies started gazing at him as he pulled into the school parking lot. Khali didn't bother to meet any of their gazes, even though he was aware of them. Instead, he started running around campus.

"Damn! I wasn't expecting any traffic on the way here. It's now 7:00am exactly. Shit! I'll be late by the time I get to class. What a bad way to start the first day of school!" Khali thought to himself with disgust.

"Come to think of it, I don't really know where my faculty is. I'm just running aimlessly. What was I even expecting? It's my first time here, so of course I won't know where my faculty is, or a lot of other places on campus, right away. I'll need to ask someone for directions. Crap! I'll be so late by the time I get to class." Khali stopped running as he said this.

Then suddenly, someone tapped him on the shoulder. Khali turned around to see who it was. As he turned, he saw a white lady standing in front of him.

"Hey, I saw you running around campus. You seem to be
in a hurry and also seem a bit lost. Are you a freshman?" she asked. "Yeah, I'm part of that group," he replied. "Can you please direct me to the School of Arts? By the way, my name is Khali."

"Sure, that happens to be my faculty too. It's not that far. It's just straight ahead and to the right. I'm actually heading there now, so we can go together. I almost forgot to tell you my name. So sorry. My name is Linda and you said your name is Khali right?" asked Linda.
"Yeah." Khali replied.
"Hmm, that's a nice name," said Linda." Don't mind me being inquisitive, what's your full name?" she asked.
"My name is Khali James," said Khali.
"Wow, that's a cool name!" exclaimed Linda. "So, where are you from, Khali?"
"I'm from Florida. And you?" asked Khali.
"I'm originally from New Jersey, but I moved to Kansas two years ago," said Linda.
"What brought you to Kansas?" asked Khali.

"An opportunity for a job brought me here," said Linda. "A family friend offered me a job in their film industry once I'm finished with my education. What about you, Khali? What brought you to Kansas?"

"I was given a scholarship to study at the University of Kansas, and I just couldn't pass it up," said Khali.
"Wow, that's awesome! So what are you studying here?" asked Linda.

"I'm studying art history, and I'm really looking forward to it," said Khali. "I'm starting out as a freshman, and I'm really excited to see what the program has in store for me."
"That's so cool! Art history is such an interesting subject," said Linda.

"Since you said a family friend offered you a job in their film industry once you're done with your education. I guess you're probably studying Theatre and dance" said Khali.
"Yeah, you're right. That's the course I'm studying. I'm in my second year," said Linda.
"That's really cool though." said Khali.

As time passed, they finally arrived at the School of the Arts building. As Khali and Linda walked into the School of the Arts building, Khali was struck by the beauty of the architecture. The building was made of red brick, and it had tall arched windows and a beautiful domed roof. As they walked through the entrance, they could see several exhibits of art lining the walls. There were paintings, sculptures, and photographs from all different time periods and cultures.

"Wow, this place is amazing!" said Khali.
"I know! It's like walking into an art museum," said Linda.

As Khali and Linda made their way down the hall, they passed by a large window that looked out onto a beautiful sculpture garden. The garden was filled with sculptures made of bronze, stone, and other materials. There were sculptures of people, animals, and abstract shapes. As they walked past the window, they could see students sitting on benches in the garden, sketching the sculptures and taking notes.

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