Chapter Eleven

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Kirito Suzuki

"What is your greatest regret?"

That question echoed in Kirito's head as Razal asked it. He began to reminisce about the past. Memories of how he had gone bankrupt flashed in his mind like a ray of light. He recalled a business deal he had made with someone that had backfired, leaving him penniless.

Kirito Suzuki, the well-known businessman who had once been rich and powerful, had been duped by an average Joe and lost a large portion of his property due to bankruptcy. He had been consumed by greed, which had led to his downfall. In the years since then, he had often wished he could go back in time and stop himself from making that deal, but he knew it was futile. It had happened, and there was no way to change the past.

After reminiscing, Kirito responded to Razal, who had been waiting for his response.

"I was blinded by greed. I regret ever making the business deal I did with someone years ago. That is what led to my predicament in the first place. Ever since then, I knew how being greedy can end badly. Foolish me was not content with what I had. I was pursuing more desperately, and ended up losing everything in the process. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would have gone back to the past and stopped myself from making that deal," Kirito said, with tears flowing down his cheeks slowly.

"Hmmm, I see," Razal said, taking note of Kirito's emotions. "Now, let's move on to the next question." He said.

Oliver Collins

Oliver braced himself for the next question. He heard Razal ask, "What is your greatest regret?"

Hearing that, Oliver faced the table, looking downcast. Then, he switched his gaze to Razal.

"My greatest regret is not being able to find a way to save my wife. My wealth and riches were rendered useless when it came to saving her. I tried my best. I knew there was nothing I could do to save her, but I couldn't accept that fact. It's cruel for fate to inflict such an incurable illness on my wife but thanks to you, my lord, there is still hope for me to save her," Oliver said. "I know that doesn't count much as a regret since I can still save her, but apart from that, I don't have any regrets. I hope I have answered your question," Oliver said, concluding with a question.

"Very well, you have. Now let's move on to the next question," Razal said, preparing to ask the next question.

Khali James

Razal gave a little cough, which Khali heard. The next thing that followed was a question. "Tell me, what is your greatest regret?" Razal asked.

Khali then put his right hand on his chin, caressing it as he tried to figure out an answer to the question.

"What other regret do I have apart from not taking Jack's threat seriously? I would have left Linda alone and let peace rain. That white dude wouldn't have gone ahead to make life miserable for me on campus. I wouldn't have failed my first exam and never thought about suicide," Khali thought to himself.

"I think you have an answer to that question now," Razal said, staring at Khali with a fixed gaze. It was as though Razal was trying to read the answer in his eyes. Perhaps, he already did. Khali felt a bit uncomfortable under Razal's gaze, but he tried to maintain eye contact.
"Yes, I do have an answer," Khali replied, taking a deep breath.
"Then, share it with me," Razal said, waiting to hear what Khali had to say.
"My greatest regret is not leaving that white lady alone. I regret ever meeting her in the first place," Khali said, looking downcast.
"Hmmm, that's an interesting answer. Now, are you ready for the next question?" Razal asked.
"Yes," Khali said, swallowing.

Meshach Adewale

Razal's gaze fixed on Meshach, he asked, "Tell me, what is your greatest regret?"
"My greatest regret?" Meshach said to himself, thinking. "Is there anything I regret? Do I regret running from my aunt's house? No, I don't regret it at all. I would gladly do it over and over again if I could go back in time. The only thing I would make sure of is that they would not be able to see me again. It would be a success."

After pondering in thought, Meshach looked straight at Razal and said, "I don't have any greatest regret. I would have said I regret staying at my aunt's house, but the thing is that it was never my decision. My mom made that decision before she died. She told my aunt to take care of me as my guardian once she died. It pains me that an incurable illness took my mom from me. Even if I had the choice to choose who I wanted to stay with, I would have still chosen my aunt because I wouldn't have known she was this cruel and bad. After all, she acted nice to me while my mom was still alive. No one could tell it was all a pretense."

"Hmmm, that's quite a profound insight. Okay, now let's move on to the next question," Razal said.

Dominick Ricardo

"What is your greatest regret?"

That's the next question that came out of Razal's mouth.

Without thinking much, Dominick answered.

"My greatest regret is ever dating Zara. I know I was blinded by love and her emotional display of love. When I think about it, it makes me feel bad about myself for dating a married woman for three good years and even having plans to marry her. Foolish me didn't know I was being used. After getting to know about all that and ending the relationship with her and trying to move on, as if that wasn't enough, I lost the job that I loved very much. As I think about it now, I suspect that she may have had a hand in it simply because I broke up with her." Dominick said this audibly, displaying emotions.

"Hmmm, I see, Razal said," taking note of his emotions.

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