Chapter Ten

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Kirito Suzuki

The atmosphere became even more still as Razal looked at Kirito intently, getting ready to ask the first question of the test.

"Do you think you're a good person?" Razal asked.
Kirito paused for a moment, his mind racing to answer the question honestly.
"Take your time," Razal said. "This test is not timed. In fact, there is no concept of time here, so you have as long as you need to answer the question."
"Thanks for the reminder," Kirito said. "I'll keep that in mind."
"You're welcome," Razal said. "Now, back to the question"

After a few moments of pondering, Kirito finally answered the first question.

"Now I think about it, I was on the verge of abandoning my family by killing myself. The same family I begged to be left out in my situation, I was about to put it all on them by killing myself. It's indeed very stupid of me. I must admit that I acted self-centeredly in my broken state. That's enough to call me a bad person. A person who only thinks of himself in his last moment of despair cannot be considered a good person. It's shameful that I thought of escaping my predicament by killing myself, forgetting to consider how my family would suffer in my absence. The boss of The Red Spider would definitely use my family as payment for the debt I owe him, if I had killed myself. This would have happened if you hadn't intervened," Kirito said.

Razal watched Kirito intently, taking note of the sadness that was clear on his face.
"Very well, you've answered my question," Razal said. "I commend your sincerity. Now, on to the next question."
With that, Razal prepares to ask the next question.

Oliver Collins

The atmosphere remained quiet for a few moments, until Razal finally broke the silence with a question.

"Tell me, do you think you're a good person?" he asked, his eyes fixed intently on Oliver.

Oliver felt as though his mind was a computer, processing the data of the question and trying to come up with an answer.

"Have I ever considered myself a good person?" Oliver thought. "What constitutes someone to be a good person? Is it just a matter of doing good deeds and showing love and affection? But even so, bad deeds and a show of hatred and hostility can overshadow all that. Now that I think of it, have I ever done bad deeds? Yes, I have, but they're not particularly gruesome. Now that I think about it again, have I ever done good deeds? Yes, I have, but are they more numerous than my bad deeds? Yes, they are. I remember doing charity work for the people of Bath and for people from other towns who came to me for help. This even helped to boost my reputation and recognition, aside from my wealth and riches. With that in mind, do I have the right to consider myself a good person? Well, perhaps," Oliver thought.

Razal, who had been watching Oliver ponder in thought, let out a small sigh before asking, "Have you come up with an answer now?"
"Yes, I have," Oliver replied.
"Okay, share it with me," Razal said.
"Well, I don't know your definition of a good person, but from my own perspective, I think I am one," Oliver said. "Of course, you're free to tell me your own perspective - I might not be a good person to you. Sorry, I forgot you said you won't judge us during the test," he added.
"That's all right," Razal said. "Now, let's move on to the next question."

Khali James

A coughing fit suddenly echoed in the room, breaking the silence, and the next thing that followed was Razal's question.

"Tell me, do you think you're a good person?" Razal asked.

"Is that really the first question?" Khali asked, surprised.
"Yes, it is," Razal replied, giving Khali a stern look.
"Oh! I see. Sorry, I never thought that could be the type of question for the test," Khali said, a little embarrassed.
"Well, I'm sorry, but it is. Don't you remember? I told you the entire essence of the test. Knowing that, you shouldn't be surprised by the question I asked," Razal said seriously.
"I'm sorry, I forgot to think deeply about it," Khali said.
"Your apology isn't relevant to me right now. I'm still waiting for your answer. If you prefer, you can stay in this dimension forever. I don't mind, but remember that you will cease to exist in the mortal world if you make that choice," Razal said, his smirk mocking.
"I am sorry, my lord. I will answer your question now," Khali said.
"At least you didn't forget to address me as lord. I almost thought you had forgotten! Now, go on," Razal said, giving his command in a commanding tone.

"All right, well I am somewhere in the middle between good and bad. Although my good side is stronger than my bad side, I still don't consider myself to be a good person. It makes sense for people to think that I am a good person, but from my own perspective, I am just neutral no matter how much good I do. Having thought about it, I realize that I said I am somewhere in the middle between good and bad, and that my good side is stronger than my bad side. What a contradiction!' Khali said, chuckling.

"I hope I did not confuse you too much," Khali said in a shy tone.

"You must be mistaken if you think you can confuse a god, human. It seems that humans are sometimes deaf to words. I told you that wisdom is my trench. It's not just my trench, Its my domain, and now your brain has forgotten that memory, causing you to ask me such a silly question.

Seeing that he has infuriated Razal a little, Khali apologised.
"I am very sorry, my lord. I will choose my words more carefully in the future."
"Good. It is not for me to judge whether you are good or not right now. After the test, I will discuss that topic later on, that's when I will be passing judgment."

Hearing that, Krito gulped, showing a hint of fear.

"Now, let's move on to the next question," Razal said, getting ready to ask the next question.

Meshach Adewale

Meshach, who was waiting for Razal to ask the first question, finally heard him ask it.

"Tell me, do you think you're a good person?" Razal asked.
Without thinking too much, Meshach answered.

"Well, I think so, but that doesn't make me perfect. I don't know your definition of being good, but for me, I do believe I am good. If I were bad, my aunt and her children would have suffered greatly. I could have gone to the extra length of killing her considering the amount of maltreatment I have gone through from her, but I never bore such intent or thought to cause any of them harm. All I was thinking about was running from the house and making sure they never saw me again. When I think about it, I'm amazed my aunt did not succeed in creating a monster inside me. I guess my parents' discipline and right upbringing was enough to make me persevere for so long under my aunt's care," Meshach said.

"Hmm, I see. I think it's high time we moved on to the next question then," Razal said, about to ask the next question.

Dominick Ricardo

The silence in the room dissolved as Razal finally asked a question.

"Tell me, do you think you're a good person?" Razal asked.

Hearing that, Dominick gazed at the table with his hands resting on it, thinking.

"Am I a good person? Of course, I am. I know I am not perfect, after all, no human is perfect. But I've shown my own portion of goodness to the people around me and those outside of my circle. Even those I barely know or don't know at all," Dominick thought.

Having finished pondering the question, Dominick looked straight at Razal, who had been watching him like a chef watching his food cook.

"I think I am a good person," Dominick said.
"Okay, let's move on to the next question," Razal said.
Surprised by his response, Dominick asked; "Are you not going to ask me why I thought so?"

Razal laughed out loud as he responded.

"Hah, I knew just by looking at you. Have you forgotten what I'm capable of? Human minds are nothing but open books to me. I can read them easily."
"I see. You read my mind," Dominick said, displaying a small laugh.
"Okay, I think it's high time we move on to the next question," Razal said, about to ask the next question.

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