Chapter Four: Part 2

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Khali James

It's morning, Khali woke up to find himself in Jamal's couch. Scanning everywhere with his eyes, he saw jamal playing a video game. He sat right up and called Jamal who is a little distance far from him.

"Hey, Jamal," Khali said, yawning and covering his mouth with his hand.
"Oh, Khali! You're awake. Last night was a blast, right?" Jamal asked.
"Yeah, I really enjoyed the movie we watched. Thanks, bro," Khali replied.
"You're welcome. Don't you guys have morning classes today?" Jamal inquired.
"We don't have morning classes today," Khali responded. "The classes we have today are scheduled for the afternoon - one at 2:00 p.m. and the other at 4:00 p.m. So right now, I'm going to head back to my apartment and prepare breakfast. We'll catch up later."

With that, Khali got ready to leave.

"Wait man," Jamal interrupted. "I just ordered some pizzas. The delivery guy will be here in a couple of minutes. Just be patient bro. We're gunna dive into that together as breakfast." said Jamal.
"Ok bro, thanks so much. I really appreciate." said Khali.
"You're welcome, man. You're my buddy from this neighborhood now." Jamal said.
Khali chuckled and shook his head. "Yeah, I guess I am."

There was a moment of silence between them, broken only by the sound of the wind blowing outside. Finally, Jamal spoke up.

"Don't you want to play some video games with me while we wait for the pizza to arrive?"
"Sure, let's play," Khali said, getting up from the couch and sitting in a chair closer to Jamal. Jamal handed him a controller, and they began playing. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door. "Pizza's here!" Jamal exclaimed.

They put down the controllers and got up to answer the door. Khali opened the door, and a young man with a pizza delivery bag stood on the porch. "Pizza delivery for Jamal?" he asked.
"That's me!" Jamal said, stepping forward to take the bag. He pulled out his wallet and handed the delivery man a few bills. "Thanks, man."
"No problem, have a good day!" the delivery man said before turning and heading back to his car.
"Alright, time to eat!" Jamal exclaimed, carrying the pizza bag into the living room.

Khali followed Jamal into the living room, and they both sat down on the couch. Jamal opened the pizza bag and pulled out a large pizza, steaming hot and topped with pepperoni and mushrooms.

"Looks delicious!" Khali said.
"It sure does!" Jamal agreed, grabbing a slice and taking a bite. Khali did the same, and they both sat in contented silence for a moment, enjoying the pizza. After eating, Khali decided to stay longer as he kept playing the video game with Jamal which he greatly enjoyed.

While playing the game, time passed. Khali checked the time on his phone, and saw that it was 1:00 PM. Realizing that he needed to get ready for school, he paused the game and said to Jamal, "Hey, I'm going to have to get going. I don't wanna be late for class again."
"Aw, that's too bad!" said Jamal. "We were just getting into the game. But I understand, gotta get that education!"

Khali gave Jamal a fist bump, then headed out the door.
As Khali headed out the door, he felt relieved that he had some time to relax before his classes later in the day.

Few minutes later, Khali arrived at his apartment. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth, then took a quick shower and got dressed. Finally, he checked his appearance in the mirror and grabbed his bag as he was about to exit his apartment.

As Khali exited the apartment building and walked to his car, he noticed that it was 1:20 PM. He had exactly forty minutes to get to class. He quickly got into his car, buckled his seatbelt, and drove off towards the school. As he drove, he thought about his new life in this new city. He was determined to make the most of it and to make the best use of his time.

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