Night One

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I shot him an annoyed look, my brows furrowing. "Why are we going to your penthouse?" I pressed, confusion coloring my tone.

It seems like every-time we are in his car, we end up arguing and it always ends up me being upset.

Without averting his eyes from the road, he coolly stated, "Because you have a concussion. My penthouse is a more suitable place for you to recover than your apartment."

I shot him a challenging glare, my irritation growing with each passing moment. "What's wrong with my apartment?" I demanded, my tone edged with frustration as I sought a more detailed explanation for his insistence on taking me to his penthouse.

With a derisive chuckle, Eric leaned back in his seat, a smirk playing on his lips. "Do you really think your cozy little place is equipped for someone with a concussion?"

"With your luck, you'd probably pass out just walking on tiles or attempting to cook a meal." his voice dripping with sarcasm. "You expect your buddy Noah to play nursemaid for you?"

I let out a sigh, the frustration lingering in my voice. "Eric, all my stuff is there. I could have checked in with you later or something."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "It's easier for me to keep an eye on you at the penthouse. Besides, you can take any room; I don't really care." The casual dismissal in his tone grated on my nerves, making it clear that my opinion wasn't a priority.

I hesitated for a moment before voicing my concern. "Um, I have work tomorrow. " Connor won't be pleased to not find me at the hospital after he gratuitously paid for everything.

Eric turned sharply, his eyes flashing with anger. "You're considering going back to that damned lounge? Did you hit your head too hard?"

I retorted, my frustration surfacing, "Connor took care of me today! I can't just skip work!"

"Yeah, sure. He took care of you by dumping you with a bunch of criminals."

"Grow up, Avery," Eric retorted, his tone cutting through the air.

My mood took a nosedive, my skin burning with melancholic embarrassment. The fact that this man had practically seen me naked today only added to my frustration, making his rudeness even more unbearable.

I fell into silence, as if my throbbing head didn't already ache enough. Staring out the window, my mind wandered aimlessly.

Ever since Eric barged into my apartment last time, he's been nothing but hot and cold. It's infuriating how much his presence affects me, how his words dig under my skin. I felt like I was just a nuisance, as if he had no other option but to take care of me out of some sense of obligation or sympathy, unable to ignore or unlearn what he knew. He probably felt indebted to me by his conscience and the kiss we shared was nothing but a few mere seconds of fun for him.

We arrive at the penthouse, its dazzling lights cutting through the darkness. It's been a while since my last visit. As Eric parks the car, he speaks with an unexpected sincerity, "Let me know whatever you need. It's not an issue."


The room I chose was vast, resembling a hall more than a standard bedroom. The bathroom, too, was surprisingly spacious, but the expansiveness made me feel uncomfortably alone. Every small sound or tap resonated, creating an eerie echo that I wasn't used to. Large spaces had never been my comfort zone.

Choosing a room was the least of my concerns. Following Eric's lead, I agreed to the first room he walked me into.

Although, I sensed a hint of disappointment in his expression when I didn't bother exploring other options. He kept quiet about it. I wasn't about to fall for his sudden display of hospitality, wary that he might use it against me in the future, throwing it in my face as if I owed him something.

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