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A/N - The purpose of the preface is to introduce you to the writing style. This book includes mature language and smut. This is a slowburn dark romance. Enjoy!


The morning sunlight spilled into the office, casting a warm glow over my desk as I sifted through the endless paperwork that defined my daily routine. Little did I know that the predictable humdrum of my workday was about to be disrupted by the storm that went by the name of Eric Thompson - a man whose reputation preceded him as the embodiment of arrogance and difficulty.

My boss's voice broke through my concentration, "Avery, we've got Mr. Thompson here for the penthouse deal. I need you to handle this one. Make it happen."

Fantastic. Just what I needed to spice up an otherwise ordinary Tuesday.

I walked into the meeting room, and there he was - Eric, reclining in his chair with an air of entitlement that made it clear he expected the world to bow to his whims. His eyes, a shade of dark intensity, locked onto mine as I entered.

"You're Avery?" he sneered, not bothering with a greeting. "I am in a hurry and I need someone to answer my questions competently."

Inside my mind, a whirlwind of frustration and irritation danced. Keep it together, Avery. Professionalism is your armor, and this is just another sale. But there was no denying he was devilishly good-looking, a fact that irked me even more.

With a practiced smile, I replied, "Welcome, Mr. Thompson. We take pride in excellence here."

His lip curled in disapproval at the mention of Thompson and he quickly stated, "Just call me Eric."

As the meeting progressed, it became increasingly apparent that Eric was intent on being the client from hell. He dissected every detail, his words dripping with condescension. I maintained my composure, answering his critiques with unwavering patience, though inside, my mental monologue was a symphony of exasperation.

Amidst the verbal barrage, I couldn't help but notice the snug fit of his blue hoodie, hinting at a physique that begged attention. Focus, Avery! This isn't a pleasure cruise. Yet, his arrogance continued to chip away at my professional exterior. I felt uncomfortably small and not so confident in front of him.

"You're not exactly what I expected," he declared, a smug smirk playing on his lips. "Not sure you're up to the task."

Internally, my frustration reached a boiling point. How dare he? But outwardly, I remained composed as he casually took my number, promising to be in touch regarding the penthouse.

As Eric swaggered out, leaving me alone with the lingering echo of his arrogance, I couldn't help but wonder how I had ended up in this predicament. I hoped, perhaps naively, that this would be a one-time ordeal. A fleeting encounter with a difficult client who, hopefully, would swiftly decide to purchase the penthouse, sparing me any more dealings with him.


A/N - Kept it super short because I know as a reader we get impatient! Upcoming chapters are way longer.

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